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看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間9年前 (2015/07/07 20:38), 8年前編輯推噓40(4007)
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07/07 20:51, , 1F
好多XD 版主辛苦了
07/07 20:51, 1F

07/07 21:08, , 2F
補了一些網站 GJ
07/07 21:08, 2F

07/07 21:18, , 3F
07/07 21:18, 3F

07/07 21:54, , 4F
07/07 21:54, 4F

07/07 22:06, , 5F
07/07 22:06, 5F

07/07 22:07, , 6F
07/07 22:07, 6F

07/07 22:14, , 7F
07/07 22:14, 7F

07/07 22:15, , 8F
07/07 22:15, 8F

07/07 22:26, , 9F
07/07 22:26, 9F

07/07 22:41, , 10F
07/07 22:41, 10F

07/07 22:41, , 11F
07/07 22:41, 11F

07/07 22:54, , 12F
07/07 22:54, 12F

07/07 22:54, , 13F
07/07 22:54, 13F

07/07 23:12, , 14F
07/07 23:12, 14F

07/07 23:23, , 15F
07/07 23:23, 15F

07/07 23:24, , 16F
07/07 23:24, 16F

07/07 23:32, , 17F
07/07 23:32, 17F

07/07 23:39, , 18F
希望版主籤運一把罩 外表嚴肅內心輕鬆,加油!
07/07 23:39, 18F

07/07 23:58, , 19F
07/07 23:58, 19F

07/08 00:00, , 20F
07/08 00:00, 20F

07/08 00:18, , 21F
07/08 00:18, 21F

07/08 00:20, , 22F
07/08 00:20, 22F

07/08 00:29, , 23F
推最強版主 當紅襪迷真幸福每天只要上P版就可以看消
07/08 00:29, 23F

07/08 00:29, , 24F
07/08 00:29, 24F

07/08 00:37, , 25F
襪版有tanaka版主真的很幸福,每天都有消息可以看 讚
07/08 00:37, 25F

07/08 00:45, , 26F
07/08 00:45, 26F

07/08 00:58, , 27F
07/08 00:58, 27F

07/08 01:04, , 28F
07/08 01:04, 28F

07/08 01:18, , 29F
07/08 01:18, 29F

07/08 06:30, , 30F
07/08 06:30, 30F

07/08 07:18, , 31F
07/08 07:18, 31F

07/08 07:19, , 32F
07/08 07:19, 32F

07/08 08:46, , 33F
07/08 08:46, 33F

07/08 09:50, , 34F
07/08 09:50, 34F

07/08 11:39, , 35F
07/08 11:39, 35F

07/08 13:35, , 36F
Go Red Sox
07/08 13:35, 36F

07/09 10:58, , 37F
07/09 10:58, 37F

07/13 04:16, , 38F
07/13 04:16, 38F

04/07 08:39, , 39F
04/07 08:39, 39F

05/02 11:43, , 40F
價錢讓我想到06北極 炸的天花亂墜 希望後面要回穩啊
05/02 11:43, 40F
※ 編輯: tanaka0826 (, 05/05/2016 00:11:10

06/28 00:41, , 41F
06/28 00:41, 41F

07/18 03:00, , 42F
推 感謝版主 但是Orsillo已經不在NESN了
07/18 03:00, 42F

08/13 11:24, , 43F
08/13 11:24, 43F

08/31 11:27, , 44F
JDM !!!!!
08/31 11:27, 44F

09/22 23:40, , 45F
09/22 23:40, 45F

10/19 10:27, , 46F
昨天燒牛棚 價錢用球數還可以再吃一局吧
10/19 10:27, 46F

11/25 03:38, , 47F
11/25 03:38, 47F
文章代碼(AID): #1LcyXIvN (RedSox)
文章代碼(AID): #1LcyXIvN (RedSox)