About Scott Williamson

看板RedSox作者 (Oswalt v.s Prior)時間21年前 (2003/09/23 13:08), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Williamson的大兒子在他於7/29被交易過來前出生。而在他被交易過來後 ,他的妻子Liza因高血壓而住院。現在Liza的情況已經大致穩定下來,但 還需要留在Boston的醫院觀察幾個禮拜。 而再他的妻子狀況好轉的同時,他剛出生的兒子上個禮拜也生病了。 Williamson說︰"He was running a very, very high fever.He had a critical fever. He wouldn't eat or sleep. He was running a rash, so they did a spinal tap and had IVs hooked up to him. That was all Thursday and Friday and a little bit Saturday. He went home Sunday night." 而在週一時醫生告訴Williamson他兒子的情況已經好轉,但一切等待最後 的檢驗報告。 在此同時,Williamson為了確認他在投球上遇到的問題跟他的生理狀況無 關,週一做了MRI 的檢查,而其中肩膀跟手軸的檢查結果都還未測出。 Williamson在2001年時動過肩膀的Tommy John手術。 但是,Williamson最關心的還是他家人的情況: "It's impossible to concentrate on baseball when your newborn baby is in the hospital in severe, almost critical condition," "It's very hard to give the team everything you've got, which I need to do. I feel like I'm letting my family down and I'm letting my team down all in the same sense. "I'm not giving [the Sox] everything I should when I'm out there because my mind is on my baby. And I don't feel like I'm giving everything to my family because I'm not there with them. I'm kind of torn in two different directions. Which way do you go?" Williamson正在考慮是否離隊以照顧他的妻子跟兒子。週一他跟球隊的GM Theo Epstein面談相關的訊息。 Williamson很感謝Epstein 對他的支持: "He's one of the best men I've ever met as a GM. He's such a family-oriented kind of guy," Williamson said. "He really cares about the person, not just as a baseball player. He knows I want to be at my best." 只要兒子回復健康,Williamson就會上場發揮出他百分之百的實力。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: test123 來自: (09/23 14:41)

推140.116.144.171 09/23, , 1F
推140.116.144.171 09/23, 1F

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推 09/24, 2F
※ 編輯: test123 來自: (09/24 10:35)

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06/07 22:19, , 4F
06/07 22:19, 4F

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07/07 12:40, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #_RzKpcB (RedSox)
文章代碼(AID): #_RzKpcB (RedSox)