[情報] GM被fired!

看板Reds作者 (Dorasaga)時間17年前 (2008/04/24 22:54), 編輯推噓2(2013)
留言15則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
昨天成為Reds的前GM,Krivsky 回應這個人事異動:「Completely shocked. I didn’t see this coming at all. What hurts so much is not to be able to see the job through...」 「Look at an unbiased source like Baseball America, who had the Reds farm system rated 27th to 30th when I got here, now they rank us in the top three or four. In two years? Dam right I’m proud of that. I’m damned proud of that. We’re one of the most respected organizations in baseball and I’m damn proud of that.」 http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2008/04/reds-fire-wayne.html http://jinaz-reds.blogspot.com/2008/04/aftermath.html 這可能會是個轉捩點。目前國聯中區被守舊派把持(Cubs, Cards, Cincy)。Brewers以 及Astros我不清楚,不過Pitts恐怕會在五年後有所突破。 http://jinaz-reds.blogspot.com/2008/04/friday-night-fungoes-dan-fox.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 23:40, , 1F
怎麼分辨是不是守舊派阿 ?
04/24 23:40, 1F

04/25 01:09, , 2F
Keppinger 被拔了嗎...還是只是輪休
04/25 01:09, 2F

04/25 10:54, , 3F
04/25 10:54, 3F

04/25 10:55, , 4F
守舊會堅決反對用creative solutions來補強球團實力,
04/25 10:55, 4F

04/25 10:55, , 5F
04/25 10:55, 5F

04/25 10:56, , 6F
baseball researchers都只會嘴砲--這種似是而非的理論
04/25 10:56, 6F

04/25 10:56, , 7F
04/25 10:56, 7F

04/25 10:57, , 8F
04/25 10:57, 8F

04/25 11:01, , 9F
04/25 11:01, 9F

04/25 11:03, , 10F
Gary Hughes(assistant GM)就曾經直接在節目中罵
04/25 11:03, 10F

04/25 11:04, , 11F
04/25 11:04, 11F

04/25 11:04, , 12F
04/25 11:04, 12F

04/26 21:47, , 13F
不過追蹤這新聞的前前後後, 我剛剛發現紅雀的代理GM有趣
04/26 21:47, 13F

04/26 21:48, , 14F
Jocky 在換到Reds前在雀, 用了一位尋求新舊方法都平衡的
04/26 21:48, 14F

04/26 21:49, , 15F
04/26 21:49, 15F
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