翻譯~~~Carroll Dawson談到交易

看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (晃~)時間20年前 (2005/02/26 20:58), 編輯推噓6(600)
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http://www.clutchfans.net/news.cfm?NewsID=1184 By mid-December, most fans, including myself, were doubting Carroll Dawson's ab ility, but like the Rockets themselves, the general manager is having a terrifi c season. CD spoke on Houston sports radio ESPN 790 on Thursday, shortly after pulling of f deals that brought in Mike James early in the day and later shipped off Mo Ta ylor to the Knicks. 在12月中其間,大多數的球迷,包括我自己,都懷疑著CD的能力,但就像火箭隊自身 一樣,這位總管也有著糟糕的一季。 CD週四在ESPN運動廣播790談到火箭隊,在完成當天早些簽下Mike James後,馬上把 Mo Taylor送到尼克隊。 Dawson said the Rockets have been coveting Mike James since he was available as a free agent this summer, and have been working on a trade for him since Decem ber. Dawson說自從今年夏天MJ成為自由球員後,火箭隊便垂涎他很久了,且在12月便一直 安排他的交易。 "Mike was thrilled when I called him, jumping up and down," said Dawson. "I did n't even know his wife was from Houston." "當我通知他時,Mike很興奮地跳上跳下,"Dawson說道。"我跟本不知道他老婆是來 自休士頓。" As for the Taylor deal, Dawson said it came about at the very last minute. "The second trade, we got the call in [before the 3pm deadline] at 2:30, but it was 4:40 before it even got started." 關於Taylor的交易,Dawson說是來自最後關頭。 "第二項交易,我們接到通知是在2:30 (3點是截止),但它真正開始是在4:40。" Even though Mo's Rocket career did not end strongly (to say the least), CD wish ed him well and thought he could do much better in a new situation, and felt th e same could apply to Vin Baker. 即始阿泰在火箭的職業生涯未能轟轟烈烈地結束(至少可以這樣說啦),CD還是祝福他 能在新環境打的更好,同樣地,這也是對Vin Baker的期許。 "Mo is a great personality, a great talent. If he gets in a new situation, I wo uld like to see him flourish." 阿泰有不錯的個性和智慧。如果他到了新環境,我希望看到他成長。" "Same with Baker," said Dawson. "People forget that Baker was an Olympian and a n All-Star, and he has a lot of talent too. Sometimes a new situation does it f or people. "Baker也是,"Dawson也是。"人們忘記了他是奧運選手且是全明星,而且他也很聰明。 有時新環境創造了人們。" I think the people we added will be significant to our team." "我認為新加入的人們對球隊意義重大。" 總管大人玉照一張 http://www.clutchfans.net/extra/carroll_dawson3.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dwaw 來自: (02/26 21:20) 02/26, , 1F
terrific是"很棒的" terrible才是"糟糕" 02/26, 1F 02/26, , 2F
完了...以後我把英文練好再來翻吧 orz 02/26, 2F 02/26, , 3F
加油吧!!能抽時間為大家翻譯已經很了不起囉!! 02/26, 3F 02/27, , 4F
他的相片是來拿射飛鏢的嗎?? XD 02/27, 4F 02/27, , 5F
推!!翻譯很好,瑕不掩瑜... 02/27, 5F 02/27, , 6F
我根本不知道他老婆來自休士頓 02/27, 6F
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