[翻譯] ROCKETS SUMMARY 中有關 Sura 的情況

看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (台北不是我的家)時間19年前 (2005/10/09 08:00), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《meika7177 (王建民加油)》之銘言: 以下為原文出處 : http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/sports/3385986 : Outlook for Sura B.Sura的前景 : Rockets guard Bob Sura said Thursday he has been told that he has a : 70 percent chance of returning to the court, but that if he can play again, : the surgery and rehabilitation will keep him out "for months." 火箭隊的後衛B.Sura禮拜四已經被告知他有70%的機會可以重返球場,不過如果他能 再回到場上打球,手術和復健也將花去他至少數個月的時間。 : Rockets doctors have not set a timetable on his return, : waiting until after "the post-operative phase" before making an estimate. : But Sura, 32, said he knows he will have to learn to be patient. 火箭隊醫尚未確定他歸隊的時間表,必須觀察他術後恢復情形再做評估。32歲的Sura 說他必須學著有耐性點。 : "It's been difficult," Sura said after watching Thursday's practice. : "In the summer, it was easier with nothing going on. : Now that the guys are back at it and the sneakers are squeaking and stuff, : it's hard. Sura看了星期四的練習後說"要重返球場的確是困難的。這暑假期間,簡單地說,一點 進展也沒有。現在這些傢伙已經回來開始練習了,而那些愛嚼舌根的人也開始說些垃 圾話(大概是指喜歡看到黑影就開槍的媒體云云)。 : "The uncertainty is really the hard part. Whether I'm going to be able to play : , whether I'm not is really hard. I don't know. I don't know if anybody does. : The doctor gave me a 70/30 outlook." 未來充滿不確定的確是最艱困的部分,經由手術及努力的復健後我到底還能不能繼續 打球是最艱難的(因為必須為了一個不確定的結果持續努力,沒耐性、沒毅力的話是很 難撐下去的)。我不知道,也不知道其他人知不知道,只是醫生告訴我,我大概還有70 %的機會可以回來繼續打球。 -- 以下恕刪 順手翻了一下 希望不要扭曲了Sura原本的語意 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/09 08:30, , 1F
10/09 08:30, 1F

10/09 08:30, , 2F
sneakers are squeaking是說球鞋又開始嘰嘰嘎嘎磨地板
10/09 08:30, 2F

10/09 09:25, , 3F
原來我完全誤解了那句話的意思 真是囧rz 謝謝l大的開導
10/09 09:25, 3F

10/09 10:43, , 4F
10/09 10:43, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #13I5spYh (Rockets)
文章代碼(AID): #13I5spYh (Rockets)