[情報]Asencio's season over

看板Royals作者 (君霙....miss u)時間20年前 (2004/03/28 04:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Miguel Asencio本季報銷  Miguel Asencio, a 23-year-old right-hander, is to have season-ending ligament transplant surgery.  "It is not a complete tear, but it is a big enough tear where we need to have it taken care of now," said general manager Allard Baird on Thursday.  According to Baird, the surgery has not yet been scheduled but will take plac e "as soon as possible." He said that the recovery time is from 12 to 18 months . 動了韌帶移植手術,大概要休養一年到一年半 http://kansascity.royals.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/kc/news/kc_news.jsp?ymd=20040325&co ntent_id=669601&vkey=spt2004news&fext=.jsp -- 我認為最佳的關係,會持續的關係,往往是紮根於友情的關係。有一天,看著那個人,你 看到比昨晚更多的東西,就像某處的開關打開了,那個只是朋友的人…突然變成唯一一個 妳能想像自己跟他在一起的人。 ~*~Dana Katherine Scully~*~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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