[新聞] 打虎英雄

看板Royals作者 (人生五十年)時間20年前 (2004/09/02 14:24), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Kansas City 1, Detroit 0 September 1, 2004 IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Greinke (W, 7-9) 7.0 3 0 0 0 5 0 4.21 Pitches-strikes: Greinke 96-65 Ground outs-fly outs: Greinke 5-11 順便PO一下對方投手的: IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Maroth (L, 10-10) 8.0 6 1 1 1 8 0 4.40 完投敗...但是雖敗猶榮 今天 Greinke 狀況不錯,賞了 I-ROD 一次 called out ^^ 比賽前五局 Greinke 沒讓對方上過壘包,也就是前五局是個 perfact game, 記者先生小姐當然要問問這位20歲的奇才當時心裡的想法啦: "All I was thinking about," Greinke told reporters, "was what I was going to say to you guys if this happens." That's vintage Zack for you. He can deal out pitches and quotes that can catch you completely off guard. 果然是個小大人~ @@ 捕手 Alberto Castillo 說 Greinke 正在練 knuckleball ,打算假如在領先時, 可以拿出來丟一兩顆,但是今天的比賽從頭到尾都沒出現過,來聽聽本人怎麼說: "Once it becomes a good pitch, I might use it but it's garbage right now," Grienke said. 不過今天的確有一球時速慢到剩 50-mph(不知道是不是測速槍的問題), 但它是 curveball ^^" "I was having fun until I threw the slow curve and the quick pitch. Because then I thought, 'Just don't start laughing out there now because then you make everybody mad and you don't want to do that,'" he said. "There's no reason for us to push this kid. He's very special," manager Tony Pena said. "He's too valuable for us to take a risk with this kid." 最後總教練Pena如是說~ -- 心得:打棒球果然需要很高的心理素質。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 09/02, , 1F
他去年的future Game就丟過那種速度的曲球 09/02, 1F 09/03, , 2F
喔喔!官網文章上是說以前最慢到63-mph, 09/03, 2F 09/03, , 3F
可能是突然少了13-mph所以才懷疑測速槍吧 09/03, 3F 09/04, , 4F
那顆沒問題..超慢曲球..而且是好球 09/04, 4F 09/09, , 5F
剛看到Bill James說他那顆球是73-47mph 09/09, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #11DhoYW- (Royals)