Re: [戰報] 熱身賽第二戰

看板Royals作者 (走吧)時間19年前 (2005/03/06 18:04), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《ateng (阿天)》之銘言: : 遊騎兵 Andres Torres 在第一局的一支兩分打點的三壘打逆轉戰局, : 最後以5:3擊敗皇家隊。 : Calvin Pickering 第六局滿壘時打出一支三壘打,讓原本落後一分的 : 皇家反倒以3:1超前。 From Calvin Pickering had a grand slam turned into a three-run single today when he passed Justin Huber at first base.Absolutely the most unlikely story of the spring. ''That was the batter's fault,'' manager Tony Pena said. ''We want our runners to tag up in that situation and we want the batter to be watching the runner.'' In order to guarantee that this never happens again, the Royals have requested permission from the league to install a hamburger stand adjacent to first base. Mar. 5 - 8:49 pm et 所以Pickering實際上打出了一支全壘打,只是跑壘時沒跑好。 : 皇家這場比賽投手輪番上陣, : K Appier,D Bautista,Wood,Cerda,J Howell,Giron。 : 其中 Bautista主投2-3局送出四次三振 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 03/10, , 1F
沒有人看懂rotoworld最後一句的諷刺嗎? XD 03/10, 1F 03/17, , 2F
跟今年中職的熱身賽一樣啊XD 03/17, 2F
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