Royals Season in Preview

看板Royals作者 (換教練,救誠泰)時間19年前 (2005/04/03 10:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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For one thing, the pitching looks much improved with Jose Lima's return from Los Angeles, Runelvys Hernandez's re-emergence from surgery and Zack Greinke's virtual reality show heading the rotation. Closer Jeremy Affeldt heads a bullpen buttressed by other young, live arms. Other than Mike Sweeney, home-run power is in short supply, so the Royals must work on manufacturing runs with sharp situational hitting. They don't have basepath burners either, so smart running must be the rule. Up the middle, catcher John Buck, shortstop Angel Berroa and center fielder David DeJesus should provide strong defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batting order 1. David DeJesus, CF A gap-to-gap slasher with increasing patience at the plate, he should have a good on-base percentage. More stolen bases is an important goal 2. Ruben Gotay, 2B There's little doubt that he'll hit, especially from the left side. He had a superb spring, among the Cactus League leaders in home runs and RBIs. 3. Mike Sweeney, 1B or DH His back was sound this spring, so he could approach 30 homers and 100 RBIs. Sweeney can always be counted upon for a lot of doubles, too. 4. Calvin Pickering, DH Pulling a spring upset, Pickering ousted Ken Harvey with a good batting approach and power. He'll strike out a lot, but can crush some long ones. 5. Matt Stairs, RF This left-handed slugger probably won't get as many at-bats this year, but he's still got the sock to go yard and chase in runs. 6. Angel Berroa, SS A rousing spring season indicated Berroa has resuscitated himself after a sophomore season headache. He can hit with some pop and field spectacularly。 7. Terrence Long, LF Sharing this spot with Eli Marrero, he'll try to reprise his first two seasons with the A's (2000-01), when he appeared to be a rising star. 8. John Buck, C A natural leader, Buck should be even better at bat and behind the plate in his first full season. He has good power and could move up the lineup. 9. Mark Teahen, 3B With the brass worrying he's being rushed, Teahen must take a deep breath and relax. His power numbers should increase as he pulls to right more. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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