[新聞] 誰是closer?

看板Royals作者 (管他的,繼續唱)時間19年前 (2005/05/17 16:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
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http://myurl.com.tw/4kqn Take a name, take any name: Ambiorix Burgos, Mike MacDougal, Andrew Sisco, Mike Wood. "We don't have a true closer right now. No one is designated as a closer," interim manager Bob Schaefer said. "I trust all those guys out there and they have pretty good toughness and they all compete. We're just going to mix and match." The Royals began the season with Jeremy Affeldt as the bullpen finisher. When he was hurt, MacDougal took over briefly. Then Burgos, a raw but flame-throwing rookie, was brought in and then-manager Tony Pena named him the closer. Schaefer, though, is sorting through his possibilities. In Schaefer's first game, he brought in Burgos to protect 9-7 lead at Toronto and he was hammered. On Friday night, Burgos gave up a game-winning homer in the ninth against Tampa Bay. On Saturday night, Schaefer went to Sisco but when he couldn't get it done, Wood took over. "Yesterday I really didn't want Sisco to get himself in a bad situation. I wanted a ground ball and brought the ground-ball pitcher in," Schaefer said before Sunday's game against the Devil Rays. "Luckily, Terrence Long made a great catch on that high ground ball." Long leaped to catch a game-ending drive and Wood got his first professional save, giving Schaefer latitude for a humorous comment. "With young guys, you don't know what you're going to get but I think Sisco learned something last night and Burgos learned something the night before," Schaefer said. "That's what it's all about. As long as they learn, they'll get better because the physical tools are there. It's just a matter of putting it together mentally and confidence-wise and so forth." Burgos got another shot Sunday and got the first two outs in the ninth before two walks and a wild-pitch strikeout loaded the bases. So Schaefer had to turn to Wood once again. After giving up a two-run looper, Wood notched his second save in the 4-3 victory. "Wood is a character guy, a little bit older, and he's not going to panic," Schaefer said. He's seen some improvement in the scatter-armed MacDougal, the former All-Star closer who has struggled in a setup role. "MacDougal is getting closer to getting his job back. We just need consistency out of him. Last time he came in, got two strikeouts and threw some real quality pitches with command," Schaefer said. "I talked to his coach in college and his coach in the Cape Cod League and he's always been an escape artist where he'll get himself in trouble and won't cave in. But in the big leagues, many times it's going to catch up with you." Affeldt is getting over a groin injury and, sometime next week, he'll probably be sent to the Minors to get himself into pitching shape. "When he's ready to come back, I'll think about him," Schaefer said kiddingly. "I told him I don't even know who he is right now." Nor does he know who the closer is right -- ╭──────────────────╮ 誠泰洋投不是免洗,     兄弟最不愛用推打, 興農老闆花錢最大方, 鍾重彩是台灣最專業球評。   ╰──────────────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ateng 來自: (05/17 16:21) 05/19, , 1F
我對Sisco印象最深,有一場看到他滿壘丟保送 XD 05/19, 1F
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