[新聞] from KC notes

看板Royals作者 (Your beautiful name)時間19年前 (2005/06/12 16:40), 編輯推噓2(200)
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大意是在探討造成 Greinke 最近出現低潮的可能原因。 文中提到 Greinke 在星期六(美國時間)的比賽開始前,去拜訪了他19歲時的投手教 練 Guy Hansen & 現任教頭 Buddy Bell,希望能為他最近的大爆炸尋求一個解決之 道。 在最近的五場出賽中,Greinke 一共投了23 2/3局,被敲43隻安打,丟了31分, 這五場的ERA飆到11.79。 "I'm giving up a lot of fly balls -- home runs or doubles -- and that's huge. Before, there was a lot of ground balls and now it's all deep fly balls. Even if it's caught, it's a deep fly ball." Greinke said. 在三人研究了 Greinke 投球動作的影帶以後,發現了幾個現象: 1﹑Greinke 的速球變的無法壓低而且 movement 不如以往 sharp。 "Nobody around here needs to be a headhunter, but you have to at least acknowledge these guys are big and strong and you can't pitch up and over the plate. No way, unless you throw 100 miles an hour." Hansen said. XDD 2﹑Hansen 認為 Greinke 似乎只會利用球速上的變化來對付打者,但是在MLB這是 不夠的,他需要做到的不只是投68-94MPH的球。(按:好老師...) 3﹑Greinke 的 setting up 可能被打者破解。 "We think that he was tipping some of his pitches yesterday from the stretch. We're not positive, but we're pretty sure from looking at film," Hansen said. "He's setting up a little different on his fastball and his change, so I think we should address that." "I've been waiting for that acknowledgment from him ever since Spring Training. Because when I saw him in Spring Training, it wasn't the same guy I had seen three years before in Puerto Rico," Hansen said. (遜咖者諸如小弟,是看不出來的... Orz) 原文請上官網詳查。 -- Greinke GO! PS:請問這樣引用官網文句會違反智慧財產產權嗎?會的話我馬上刪掉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 06/13, , 1F
雙城自從橫掃洋基以後,又硬起來的跡象^^ 加油~~ 06/13, 1F 06/13, , 2F
非全文.非營利應該還OK 06/13, 2F
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