[新聞] Damon defends Baird

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Damon, whose credibility here became an issue when he lobbied for a trade (to Oakland) even as he professed his desire to remain in Kansas City, seems earnest when he says that Baird is still a man who can get the Royals back on a positive track. The Royals offered Johnny Damon a long-term contract, but the budding superstar wanted a commitment to winning from the franchise. "He knows what it takes to win," Damon said. "He's already brought some horses in here. If he was ever given the opportunity to spend some money..." Damon didn't complete his thought. He didn't have to. The Royals, Damon knows, were willing to spend to keep him in Kansas City in the year before he became a free agent. "They offered me a five-year, $32 million contract, which was great," he noted. "Allard had to trade me," said Damon. "They traded me because I wanted to win and they needed some players. They got them, too -- a rookie of the year in (Angel) Berroa, a good closer for a couple of years in Roberto Hernandez." "I'm with a great franchise and playing for the most passionate fans anywhere," Damon said. "I just wish Kansas City could experience this, because the fans deserve it. "A part of my heart is still in Kansas City," he added. "I was born near here (at Fort Riley), and I came up here. It's definitely a special place." -- 我認為最佳的關係,會持續的關係,往往是紮根於友情的關係。有一天,看著那個人,你 看到比昨晚更多的東西,就像某處的開關打開了,那個只是朋友的人…突然變成唯一一個 妳能想像自己跟他在一起的人。 ~*~Dana Katherine Scully~*~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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