Re: [新聞] 整理一下

看板Royals作者 (ROYALS)時間18年前 (2006/12/08 00:49), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ 引述《ateng (ROYALS)》之銘言: : 1.Bannister <--> Burgos : Bannister是前皇家投手 Floyd Bannister 的兒子。 : 2.對 Ryan Church 有興趣。 : 3.不知道有沒有機會搶到 Octavio Dotel...對他有興趣的球隊 : 似乎都不缺cl...只有我們很缺XD : (Red Sox、Rays、Indians) : 4. offer M.Batista $24M/3years (神經病XD) Meche close to signing with Royals The deal is for four years and $45 million, according to MLB source. Both the Cubs and Blue Jays offered Meche deals for 4 years and $40 million, sources said. The Royals also have made a 3-year, $24 million offer to free agent right-hander Miguel Batista. The Cards and Mariners are also pursuing Batista. In addition, the Royals are one of four finalists for free-agent right-hander Octavio Dotel, who they likely would use as their closer. As for the Blue Jays, they were shut out on both Meche and free agent left-hander Ted Lilly, increasing the possibility they will explore trades for CF Vernon Wells. Meche pitched to an 11-8 record and a 4.48 ERA in 32 starts for the Mariners last season. Ken Rosenthal is's senior baseball writer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另外 Runlevys Hernandez 被RELEASED -- 曾文誠: 「老實說,我不是虎迷,但打從職棒五年開賽後, 我就祈禱虎隊可以拿冠軍。不為別的,只因為林仲秋。」 本段節錄於83.5.25聯合晚報 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ateng 來自: (12/08 00:55)

12/08 11:00, , 1F
12/08 11:00, 1F
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