[情報] Royals Sign Ron Mahay

看板Royals作者 (尋找冬日最高)時間17年前 (2007/12/20 09:52), 編輯推噓2(202)
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消息來源: http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2007/12/royals-sign-ron.html Royals Sign Ron Mahay 皇家隊簽下了Ron Mahay Ken Rosenthal has the scoop - the Royals have signed southpaw reliever Ron Mahay to a two-year, $8MM deal. Nice move by Dayton Moore getting him for less than the Phillies paid for J.C. Romero, an inferior pitcher. 根據Ken Rosenthal的報導,皇家隊已與中繼左投手Ron Mahay簽下了一紙8M/2yr的合約。 這筆交易做的很好,簽約價格比起稍劣於Mahay的費城人隊左投手J.C Romero還要便宜。 Mahay is 36, though many relievers pointed out to me that he converted to pitching late in life (when he was 25 or so). However - and I can't find the link the moment - Will Carroll has found position player converts to be at greater injury risk. Mahay今年36歲,雖然他大約25歲左右才轉型為專任投手,但這樣相對受傷的風險也會比較 高。 The Royals are three-deep with lefty relievers, so maybe they'll shop Jimmy Gobble or John Bale now. Mahay had been a Yankee target, so perhaps they'll move on to Damaso Marte. 如此一來皇家隊的牛棚就擁有三位左投手了,也許現在他們他會考慮將Jmmy Gobble或John Bale給交易出去。對了,Mahay之前曾經是洋基鎖定的補強目標,所以他們可能會轉向 Damaso Marte。 Mahay was a Type B, so the Braves receive a sandwich pick for their loss (not at the Royals' expense). Mahay是屬於Type B的選手,所以勇士隊將會得到一個三明治選秀權,但不是皇家隊的。 -- Gobble跟Bale會有人要嗎... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/20 09:54, , 1F
補一下 Romero的約是12M/3yr+4.75M的第四年option
12/20 09:54, 1F
※ 編輯: seeyou1002 來自: (12/20 09:56)

12/20 10:51, , 2F
12/20 10:51, 2F

12/20 12:50, , 3F
12/20 12:50, 3F

12/21 00:34, , 4F
先發投手和牛棚整體都還有很多進步空間,Go Royals~
12/21 00:34, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #17QShQqa (Royals)