BA Top 10 Royals porspects

看板Royals作者 (給COBRAS機會)時間16年前 (2008/01/24 01:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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1. Mike Moustakas, ss 2. Daniel Cortes, rhp 3. Luke Hochevar, rhp 4. Blake Wood, rhp 5. Danny Duffy, lhp 6. Carlos Rosa, rhp 7. Julio Pimentel, rhp 8. Matt Mitchell, rhp 9. Yasuhiko Yabuta, rhp 10. Derrick Robinson, of ---------------------------- BEST TOOLS Best Hitter for Average Mike Moustakas Best Power Hitter Mike Moustakas Best Strike-Zone Discipline Kila Kaaihue Fastest Baserunner Patrick Norris Best Athlete Derrick Robinson Best Fastball Daniel Cortes Best Curveball Daniel Cortes Best Slider Neal Musser Best Changeup Julio Pimentel Best Control Rowdy Hardy Best Defensive Catcher Matt Tupman Best Defensive Infielder Chris McConnell Best Infield Arm Mike Moustakas Best Defensive Outfielder Jose Duarte Best Outfield Arm Jose Duarte ------------------------------------ -- But you sa ved me! As difficult and as frustrating as it's been someti mes,「可是妳救了我,和妳合作有時令人氣餒,可是妳的理性救了我很多次。your goddam ned st妳讓我保持誠實,有了妳我才算完整,我欠妳的太多了,妳什麼也不欠我。」rict rationalis m and science have saved me a thousand times over! You'v e kept me honest... you've makde me a whole person. I owe you ever ything... └───┘Scully, and you owe me nothing - Fox Mulder -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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