[戰報] 半季評論

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from MLB.COM Club MVP: Jose Guillen took a while to get in gear, but once he did, his hitting became contagious. By midseason he was among the AL leaders in RBIs, doubles and extra-base hits. Call him "Ace": Zack Greinke's pitching was razor-sharp most of the season, and he should have had more victories. "Zack gives us a chance to win almost every time he's out there," GM Dayton Moore said. Greatest strength: Joakim Soria put the finishing touches on a majority of the Royals' victories with a sure-thing presence as the closer. It earned him an All-Star spot. Biggest problem: When you can't score, you'll have trouble winning. In the first 32 games, the Royals averaged just 3.4 runs a game; in their next 54 games, they upped that to 4.6. They still ranked near the bottom in the AL, but progress was made. Biggest surprise: Mike Aviles, finally summoned from Triple-A to replace shortstop Tony Pena Jr., sat for a week, but then hit and fielded well in his first big league opportunity. Team needs: A power bat to go with Guillen is No. 1. Bullpen depth is always on the shopping list. A lefty who could start would be a nice bonus. Oh, doctor: The Royals avoided using the disabled list very much. Pitchers Leo Nunez and John Bale are still on the DL but should return soon. David DeJesus, Guillen and Mark Grudzielanek had some nagging injuries but avoided long layoffs. Infielder Alberto Callaspo is on the DL for an unspecified medical condition. He said it: "When Guillen is swinging the bat like he can, that's huge and other guys kind of fill in around him and it's a here-we-go kind of thing." -- Grudzielanek on the improving offense. Mark your calendar: July 24-27, vs. Tampa Bay; Aug. 1-3, vs. Chicago; Aug. 4-6, vs. Boston; Aug. 15-17, at New York. Fearless second-half prediction: If the hitters can pick it up even more, the Royals will reach the .500 mark, and perhaps beyond. -- 新虎膽妙算 Mission:Impossible 銀河飛龍 Star Trek: The Next Generation 百戰天龍 MacGyver 飛狼 Airwolf 天龍特攻隊 The A Team ─┼───────────── 家有阿福 ALF ㊣ 台視影集 有口皆碑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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