[新聞] Greinke has too many pitches to get hit

看板Royals作者 ((o‵▽′)=○# ( ̄#)3 ̄))時間15年前 (2009/05/28 12:33), 編輯推噓4(406)
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原文網址:http://kuso.cc/4Ihe The amazing ride continues. Tuesday night, Zack Greinke had everything working. And when Greinke has everything working, well, everyone around baseball now knows that it’s just not fair. Greinke pitched another complete game Tuesday. He kept his ERA under 1.00 for the season. He utterly controlled the game. 星期二的晚上,大魔神之旅繼續進行下去。這個晚上大魔神控制了整場比賽,勇者們仍然 無法將魔神的ERA突破至1。 We’ll update you on all the amazing Greinke numbers after the Royals’ 6-1 victory over Detroit. But first: Someone asked Tigers manager Jim Leyland what impressed him most about Greinke. Leyland rattled off a bunch of things: Greinke’s “put-away slider,” (as in “puts away hitters”), his curveball which he can throw for strikes anytime, his fastball which he can adjust like a digital thermometer (sometimes throwing 91 mph, sometimes throwing 97), his mesmerizing change-up, his coolness on the mound and his put-away slider (Leyland said it twice). 在6-1皇家贏球,老虎輸球的賽後,我們向老虎的總教練李蘭詢問他對於魔神今晚表現的 看法;李蘭說:他有一顆可以隨時投進好球帶的曲球、如同溫度計般隨時調速的快速球、 迷惑打者的變速球,以及一個最變態的滑球讓打者成為自動局數。 “Kid’s got a lot of equipment,” Leyland said, summing up. "這個魔神的必殺技實在太多了",李蘭總結的說。 Yes, that’s the thing that separates Greinke. Great pitchers have one or two killer pitches. Greinke has a bagful of them. Who is he pitching like? Well, a lot of people say Greg Maddux, but no, seems to me they’re actually quite different. I think a much better comparison would be someone like Satchel Paige, who threw so many different pitches he would name them (the hesitation pitch, the bat dodger, the trouble ball, the midnight creeper, etc.). He seems a lot like Juan Marichal, who would combat batters with a flurry of different motions and angles and pitches — hitting Marcihal was like trying to hit a geometry lesson. 讓我們來將魔神做個分類;一個魔王擁有一樣至兩樣必殺技,但是魔神之所以稱為魔神, 就是因為魔神有一脫拉庫的必殺技。有很多人說Greinke很像已退休的控球魔神Greg Maddux,但是我不這麼認為;我認為比較好的比較對象是Satchel Paige,比較相似的是 Juan Marichal。 (這兩位都是入主名人堂的選手,請大家自行GOOGLE他們的事蹟) Marichal is particularly relevant here because in 1966, he began the season 9-0 with an 0.59 ERA in his first 10 starts. And you probably have to go all the way back to that year to find a pitcher who has been as dominant as Greinke through 10 starts. Greinke is now 8-1 with an 0.84 ERA. Tuesday night, he threw his fifth complete game — that’s as many as any team in baseball, and it’s more than the Royals have had the last two seasons combined. Marichal在1966年的表現與現在的Greinke最為相似,他當年開季前十場先發取得9勝0敗 ,ERA 0.59的夭壽成績;而現在的Greinke是8勝1敗,ERA 0.84,其中有五場完投,這個數 量比皇家隊前兩季的完投數總和還多。 Numbers: Zack Greinke has now gone 14 consecutive starts without giving up a home run. That’s a Royals record. 魔神已經連續14場先發沒有被打出全壘打,這是新的隊史紀錄。 Numbers: Zack Greinke has now started a season with 10 consecutive starts of giving up two runs or less. That, too, is a Royals record, and it’s two shy of the big league record. 魔神已經開季連續10場先發失分在2以下,這是隊史紀錄並且離大聯盟紀錄還有2場。 Numbers: Zack Greinke now has struck out 81, walked 12, and allowed a total of 67 base runners in 75 innings pitched. 魔神在75局的投球局數中有:81次三振、12次保送並且只讓67個人次上過壘包。 Even numbers that good don’t tell the full story of Greinke’s brilliance when he’s on, really on, like he was on Tuesday. Greinke had spent Monday’s game watching Detroit’s ace Justin Verlander blow away the Royals, and he had a thought: “If I faced that guy 100 times, I wouldn’t get a hit off him. ” 星期二晚上的精采表現僅是魔神的光榮史中的一筆;雖然他對前一晚老虎隊的王牌 Justin Verlander 的表現稱許說:如果我是打者,對決100次我還是打不出安打。(場面話魔人?) That thought actually emboldened him. Greinke has spent a lot of time this year trying to make sure he stays one step ahead of the hitters. That’s important to him. Greinke thinks like a hitter — this, I think, is one of his great strengths — and so he constantly finds himself thinking how hitters will try to attack him. And then he pitches accordingly. 魔神今年花了許多時間將自己設身處地放在勇者的位置上,思考如何擊敗他這個魔神,這 樣的投球模式使他今年不斷的進步,維持著鬼神般的成績。 But watching Verlander he realized that if you’re good — really good — there’s not a whole lot hitters can do. And that, in a strange way, comforted him. He did not have to always out-think hitters. He did not have to be two steps ahead every time out. No. He just had to be really good. 就如同 Verlander的好表現,大魔神也知道,只要自己投的夠好,不管打者在 想什麼,在絕對的力量面前、任何小技巧都是無用的。 感謝ColbyRasmus及dawning1984兩位大大幫忙修正 <(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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