[新聞] Royals' Kendall en route to returning

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Royals' Kendall en route to returning Kendall走上復活之路 By Mark J. Miller Kansas City Royals catcher Jason Kendall(notes) had surgery last Sept. 3 to patch up extensive tearing in the rotator cuff of his right shoulder. In the second year of a two-year deal with the Royals, Kendall took a major step Monday in his recovery, according to the Kansas City Star. 據 Kansas City Star報導,皇家捕手Jason Kendall去年因為右肩旋轉肌群大 量撕裂,因此去年九月30號做了修補手術。他和皇家有兩年合約,目前來到第 二年,Kendall在周一時步上大聯盟復活之路。 The paper reports that Kendall faced live batting practice on the field for the first time since going under the knife. "It's a huge step," Kendall said, according to the paper. "It's a lot better than hitting in the cage." 報導還指出Kendall自上次開刀後,首度在球場上做了實戰打擊練習。 Kendall表示:『這是復活的一大步,而且這比打網好多了。』 The paper notes that the 36-year-old Kendall "recently tore adhesions -- or scar tissue -- in the shoulder, which has strengthened it significantly" and allowed him to throw more freely. Kendall could be headed to a rehab assignment by month's end. 這位36歲的Kendall最近才拆掉肩膀上的包紮(傷痕貼布),拆掉明顯是 要增強力量並且讓他更自由點傳球。 http://tinyurl.com/3m9qg2w -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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