[球員] Prospects:Elier Hernandez

看板Royals作者 (相信)時間12年前 (2012/02/11 20:14), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Keith Law recently put out a list of the top farm systems in baseball and the Kansas City Royals ended up at No. 5 overall -- a sign that they're still strong yet they've also sent a few of the top prospects up to the Major Leagues in Eric Hosmer and Danny Duffy. Now Law has put out another list identifying a top sleeper prospect from each system, and he says the Royals' choice is Elier Hernandez. 今年的農場依舊強大,雖然上去了不少大物,Keith Law還是給皇家第5的農場排名,他在 每一隊裡都找了一位未來有可能是大物的新秀,皇家則是Elier Hernandez Law writes, "The Royals gave Elier Hernandez a club-record bonus of more than $3 million, in part because they felt he was more advanced at the plate than the typical 16-year-old Latin American prospect. He's a big, physical kid with average power now that projects to plus and good pitch recognition for his age. But as an average runner, he is probably ticketed for right field." Law指出我們去年用3MM多簽下這位16歲多明尼加的新秀。他體個很大隻,拋瓦跟體質都比 同齡來的出色,但是它速度一般,可能會把他丟在右外野 The DPL Baseball profile loves the kid and writes: Elier is a physical specimen at age 16, he’s 6’2, roughly 180lb XL frame, with a well proportion athletic body. He’s a strong kid with room to add on some pounds of muscle. His body type resembles Torii Hunter. Hernandez is mature for his age and is one of the few players from the Dominican Republic that will graduate from High School at age 16. Hernandez has the potential to be a five tool player in the future, although he’s not very far from having 5 above average tools now. He makes consistent solid contact showing good bat speed and power potential. He’s an average fielder now that can play any out-field position, he runs average to below (7.0 60yrd dash) but projects to run above average in the future, he possess arm strength and accuracy that will play. 多明尼加新秀聯盟指出他們愛死他了 "Elier有很棒的體格,比例很棒的運動員身體,很強壯但還需要在增強一些肌肉,他像極 了Torii Hunter.Hernandez對他的年紀來說相當成熟,也是少數幾個16歲就剛從高中畢業 Hernandez有潛力成為五拍子的球員,他現在就很接近超過平均值。 他仍保持不錯的contact,顯示揮棒速度跟拋瓦的潛能。平均值的防守,可以守外野 他速度低於平均值(60碼短跑7秒),但是有機會在未來高於平均值,他擁有很強的臂力跟 準度 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op11IxoLHPc&feature=related
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02/11 20:50, 1F
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