Fw: [閒聊] Verlander認為皇家將是今年的黑馬

看板Royals作者 (皇家魂)時間12年前 (2012/03/29 12:23), 編輯推噓0(002)
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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1FSzF9ZW ] 作者: charliee (Double E) 看板: MLB 標題: [閒聊] Verlander認為皇家將是今年的黑馬 時間: Thu Mar 29 11:15:18 2012 在去年率領老虎輕鬆橫掃美聯中區後,Verlander在昨日接受了媒體採訪,預測今年 美聯中區的情勢。在問到誰會是老虎今年最大的威脅是,Verlander給了一個驚喜的答案 -----皇家隊。 "Kansas City has a very good lineup,” Verlander said about a Royals team that includes Billy Butler, Eric Hosmer and Mike Moustakis - all 25 years old or younger. “I think they pose a threat and it’s really understated how good their lineup is and how deep it is.” “They have one of the better lineups in the American League with a bunch of young talent,” Verlander, 29, said Kansas City’s fate rests with the progress of their young pitchers in a rotation steadied by veteran Bruce Chen and former San Francisco starter Jonathan Sanchez. “There’s no question that they’re going to hit. It’s just a matter of those pitchers maturing,” Verlander said about former top draft pick Luke Hochevar and prospects including Danny Duffy, Aaron Crow and Mike Montgomery. Verlander認為皇家的打者不僅年輕有天份,而且已經展現出一定實力。關鍵在於幾個 頗被看好的年輕投手進步的幅度如何。 The Royals have not finished higher than fourth in the five-team division in eight years, and last finished as high as second place 17 years ago. 皇家隊上次分區排名高於第四名已經是8年前的事情,上次拿到分區第二則是17年前的 往事。 心得:這是今年季前第五次看到有媒體或是文章預測皇家今年要起飛的消息,貼出來 給大家參考,今年可以好好看看皇家的表現是否真如大家所說的驚喜。 http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=reu-tigersverlander_interview -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/29 11:16, , 1F
他有看Bill James online嗎? XD
03/29 11:16, 1F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: jenche0124 (, 時間: 03/29/2012 12:23:05

03/29 12:23, , 2F
03/29 12:23, 2F

03/29 21:26, , 3F
如果他來皇家的話...那還真的會爆發.現在可能分數不夠花= =
03/29 21:26, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1FS-EhMq (Royals)
文章代碼(AID): #1FS-EhMq (Royals)