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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1Fzs5A6C ] 作者: iwillloveyou (darren79525) 看板: MLB 標題: [外電] 皇家小孩成長的煩惱 時間: Sat Jul 7 06:06:00 2012 http://tinyurl.com/cdprgmb It was always a bit of a stretch to believe the Kansas City Royals would ascend to the baseball mountaintop this season. But if you slathered on some eye black on Opening Day and squinted very hard from the observation dack at One Kansas City Place, you might have at least thought it was a possibility. 要相信堪薩斯皇家隊在本季就會爬升到大聯盟的頂尖球隊,這是有點誇大的。 但,假如你在開幕戰把你的眼睛塗黑一點並且把你的眼睛瞇成一條線從堪薩斯廣場 的任一個觀景台往球場看過去,這其實還是有一點機會啦。 --------> 白話文:皇家隊今年會在美中領先就跟中樂透的機率一樣 Thusday night at Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City will host an All-Star Game for the first time sine 1973, when John Mayberry, Amos Otis and Cookie Rojas represented the home team. This year, the Royal will send only one designated hitter Billy Butler, a lineup staple and doubles machine since 2007. Franchise die-hards and Butler's teammates will revel in seeing the man known as "Country Breakfast" doff his cap during pregame introductions. 星期二在卡夫曼球場(皇家隊主場),堪薩斯將舉辦自從1973年以來的第一次全明星賽, 那年John Mayberry、Amos Otis、Cookie Rojas 代表主場球隊。 今年,皇家僅僅只有一位指定打擊Billy Butler,他從2007年起就是打線的主力兼二壘 安打機器。球隊高層和巴特勒的隊友們將會開心地看到被稱為"農村早餐"(請看留言解說) 的他在賽前介紹得時候脫下他的帽子。 補充資料:   Cookie Rojas 2B .276/ .320 / .372 ops+90 (1973年數據) Ht: 5-10 Wt:160 lb B-T:R-R 古巴裔的二壘手,1956年和當時的辛辛那提紅腿隊簽約(沒錯,辛辛那提紅人隊在1954- 1959年間隊伍名稱改為Cincinnati Redlegs <----- 我也是今天才知道 1962年23歲的他登上大聯盟然後立即被交易給費城人,1969年費城人把他交易給紅鳥, 1970年又被交易到皇家隊,在皇家隊連續入選了四年明星賽,待了八年後退休 生涯一共入選過4次全明星賽(1965.1971-1974),有3年在MVP拿到選票 生涯打擊數據: .263/ .306/ .337 ops+83 (hi,我也不懂為什麼這樣會入選明星賽 不要問我 我跟他其實不熟) Amos Otis CF .293/ .352 / .413 ops+ 129 (1973年數據) Ht:5-11 Wt:165lb B-T:R-R 1965年紅襪以第五輪選了他,1966年梅子隊成立把他從紅襪小聯盟中挑走 1969年被交易到皇家隊一待就是14年,1984年成為自由球員和海盜簽約, 37歲的他那年表現很差,季中就被釋出然後退休 生涯五度明星球員、三次金手套、五度獲得MVP選票(兩次進入前五) 生涯打擊數據 .277/ .343/ .425 ops+ 115 John Mayberry 1B .278/ .417/ .478 ops+146 Ht:6-3 Wt:215lp B-T:L-L 1967年太色人以第一輪(第六順位)選中他,生涯待過太色人/皇家/藍鳥/北佬 他是現役 費城人外野手/1B John Mayberry Jr.的老爸 兩度明星薩、四度獲得MVP選票 (妙的是MVP排第二那年沒有入選明星賽) 生涯打擊數據 .253/ .360/ .439 ops+123 "Billy's the best hitter on the team," said third baseman Mike Moustakas. "He means a lot to us. He's our middle-of-the-order guy. He's our big bat. When he comes up to the plate, he knows and we know that he can do some damage." 他是我們隊伍中最好的打者,三壘手Mike Moustakas說。他對我們很重要,他是我們的中 心打者,也是我們的大棒子,當他上場打擊時我們就知道他可以造成重傷害 But from a team standpoint, the Royals have done less damage than they hoped they would in the halcyon days of the 2012 winter caravan. They're muddling along at 36-44 in search of their first .500 season since 2003. They've endured a Tommy John surgery epidemic to the pitching staff and posted a 14-23 record at home, while watching the designated franchise saviors try to navigate a very treacherous learning curve. 但從球隊的角度來看,皇家隊在去年冬季會議的補強是相當少的。 目前戰績36勝44敗他們正在尋求2003後的第一個五成勝率。 皇家隊的投手飽受湯米將手術的困擾,在家裡打出了14勝23敗的成績,同時看到球團所 認定的救世主們正面臨一個險峻的學習曲線 (應該是指碰到撞牆期,表現不佳) As Moustakas and Eric Hosmer can attest, the road to stardom isn't quite as easy as the Mike Trout experience makes it seem. Moustakas, the more workmanlike half of Kansas City's corner infield tandem, is trending to the upside. He ranks fourth among big league third basemen with an .823 OPS, and he has transformed himself from a questionable defender to a steel trap at the position. Moustakas和吼斯魔可以證明,想要成為全明星的路並不是如同Mike Trout(天使)所表現 的那麼簡單 Moustakas,堪薩斯皇家隊的角落邊內野手(幹,就是三壘手)正在進步當中 .823的OPS在整個大聯盟三壘手中排行第四,並且從一個防守有問題的傢伙轉變成 一個守得不錯的三壘手 Things haven't gone quite as smoothly for Hosmer, who hit .188 in April and .218 in May and has spent the past five weeks clawing his way back to respectability. This is how life works for most hitting prospects, regardless of the buildup. They decimate pitching staffs in the minor leagues, then the deluge of advance scouting reports and sliders on the black require adjustments that are easier to make in theory than within the confines of the batter's box. If Hosmer and Moustakas need a primer on growing pains, they should consult with teammates Alex Gordon and Jeff Francoeur, both of whom ran the gamut of expectations and criticism by age 25. 對吼斯魔來說,一切仍不是相當順利 四月打擊率 .188、五月打擊率 .218,雖然在這五周中他漸漸抓回了原本的感覺 這是大多數潛力打者新秀要做的功課,不斷的進步 他們宰制了小聯盟的投手,之後就得面對更仔細的球探報告和在好球帶邊緣游走的滑球 吼斯魔和Moustakas需要一個心靈導師的話,請切詢你的好隊友們:勾登和粉酷兒, 他們在25歲的時候也曾像這樣飽受期望並承受批評 "To this point, these guys have played in leagues and against players that are probably inferior to them," said Royals manager Ned Yost. "Now, they're at a level where they're playing against the best, smartest and most consistent players in the world, so it's difficult to come up and have success in this arena. "In my personal experience, I have seen two young players -- and only two -- who've come up and never had a prolonged struggle. They were Chipper Jones and Ryan Braun. They both had a great first year and never really slowed down." 到目前為止,這群傢伙在小聯盟打球,對抗那些大都比他們差的球員皇家總教練Ned Yost 說。現在呢,他們在更高的水平,面對在這個世界上最棒的、最聰明的和最穩定的球員, 所以很自然地他們會陷入低潮,並很難去獲得成功 根據我個人經驗啦,林北只看過兩個、就這兩個啦!從來沒有體驗過撞牆期的怪咖。 他們是老瓊絲(勇士)和萊恩波溫(酒鬼) 他們在生涯開始就有很棒的表現,從此之後,更一發不可收拾了。 The Brett seal of approval In the opinion of the most acclaimed Royal of all, the outlook is bright for the Hos-Moose tandem. George Brett, Kansas City's vice president of baseball operations, refrains from using the term "unlimited potential" because he remembers how burdensome those words were to Gordon in his formative years. But, from the moment the two kids arrived in Kansas City, Brett watched their every move. He quietly monitored them during stretching, their pregame infield routines and batting practice, and he was impressed by their diligence and attentiveness to detail. He also took note of their fundamentally sound play. "These guys are baseball players," Brett said. "They played baseball year-round as kids. They were always on Team USA or playing in fall leagues or winter leagues, so they have great baseball IQs and instincts. They don't have to think before they react. That makes the game a little bit easier." Hosmer, the golden child, arrived from Triple-A Omaha in May 2011 and hit .293 with 19 homers to finish third in the AL Rookie of the Year balloting. He provided encouragement and support to Moustakas when his buddy was hitting .182 in his first 53 games with the Royals last summer. Little did the friends and teammates know the 2012 season would bring an abrupt case of role reversal. Brett-承諾的保證 根據這位過往皇家隊最受歡迎的巨星的意見,這兩位的前景是非常光明的。 George Brett,現任皇家隊棒球業務副總裁,沒有使用"無可限量的潛力"來形容他們, 因為他記得這句話在過去幾年相當程度地給了Alex Gordan很大的困擾。 但,從這兩個小鬼踏進堪薩斯市開始,Brett就開始了他的偷窺人生,他看了他們的一舉一 動。包括他們在賽前的打擊練習、防守練習,他對於他們的勤奮和處理細節都非常激賞。 他甚至把他們令人讚嘆的表現都紀錄下來了。 這群小鬼可是棒球選手呢,Brett說。他們從小就接觸棒球,他們都是美國國家隊員,經過 小聯盟、冬季聯盟的洗禮,有著充足的比賽經驗,所以阿他們都有很棒的棒球智慧和野性 的直覺。他們無須去思考,就自然而然的知道怎麼做。這讓比賽變的簡單不少。 吼斯魔,前程似金的孩子,在去年5月從小聯盟升上來,打出了.293的打擊率和19根大支 在美聯最佳新秀排行第三。他提供鼓勵和支持他的隊友Moustakas,當他在去年的前53場比 賽中僅僅繳出.182的打擊成績。只有少數的隊友和親友才知道,這對小末隔年的成績有很 大的影響。(我怎麼覺得是馬後砲) In the old days, slumping hitters complained about "buzzard luck" and hoped the skeptics believed it. Now, their agents simply point to their BABIPs. Hosmer's .240 batting average on balls in play is the sixth lowest among 156 hitters listed on FanGraphs, and it was considerably lower before more balls began finding holes in June. Last year, Hosmer had to adapt to seeing more defensive shifts. Now, he's seeing a slightly higher rate of changeups, sliders and curves than he did a year ago. He has tried moving around in the batter's box and taking more or less batting practice depending on the day, but those subtle adjustments failed to extricate him from his slump. "He saw so much off-speed stuff early in the year, he was [betwixt] and between," Francoeur said. "He was late on the fastball and early on the off-speed. And then, when he got in 2-0 or 3-1 counts, he'd be guessing fastball and they'd throw him an off-speed pitch. He was having some trouble adjusting to that part of it and trying to find a groove." In mid-May, Yost told Hosmer to take his .174 batting average and not even dream of picking up a bat for two days. Hosmer obliged and spent 48 hours hanging out with the pitchers and playing enough cards that he began to see clubs, hearts and diamonds in his sleep. He found the respite colossally boring -- and decided he had no interest in living the life of a pitcher. But the brief hiatus took some pressure off him and allowed him to return to the lineup with a fresh set of eyes and an invigorated swing. Hosmer is hitting .276 (29-for-105) since the start of June. 在過去,表現糟的打著們都抱怨著運氣差,並希望抱持懷疑的人相信他們。 而現在,他們的經紀人只需要指向他們的BABIPs就可以解釋。 吼斯魔,僅僅打出了 .240的BABIPs 在FanGraphs上可是第六低的數字,在六月前,他可能 更雖小 去年,吼斯魔開始去適應更多的變換守備陣勢。 而現在,他看到比去年來說更高比率的變速球、滑球和曲球(就變化球啦)。 他試著去調整他的好球帶,嘗試過在比賽當日打更多或更少的打擊練習,但這些方法都 沒辦法讓他擺脫低潮。 粉酷兒說:跟去年比起來,他今年看到了許多球速上的變化。他跟不上速球又打不到 變化球。惡性循環下,當他球數領先時,他會猜測投手會投快速球,但是卻來了變化球。 他遇到了很大的困難,並試著去調整、去改變,但這些細微的調整並未讓他擺脫他的低迷 總教練說話了,他告訴吼斯魔不要去在意狗屁的打擊數字,甚至不要管有關打擊的東西 ,好好休息個兩天。吼斯魔很聽話,他跟投手朋友們一起鬼混了48小時, 打了一狗票牌讓他連在睡夢當中都看到了撲克牌的蹤影。 突然有一到雷電閃過他的眼前,他醒了, 吼斯魔覺得這真是有夠無聊,再也不想過一個投手般的生活。 短暫的休息讓他的壓力變小了,這讓他眼睛變亮了、打擊充滿了精力,考試甚至考了一 百分呢。 他從六月的比賽開始,繳出了.276的打擊率(29/105)。 When the Royals visited New York in May, Yankees hitting coach Kevin Long held court with reporters on his team's feeble production with runners in scoring position. Kansas City's hitting coach, Kevin Seitzer, viewed that as a "teachable moment" and made sure to relay some of Long's comments to Hosmer. "He was just trying to show me that everyone goes through it," Hosmer said. "It was still really early. He told me how Albert Pujols and other guys were struggling at the time, and you know they're not going finish like that. There's plenty of time to turn it around." 當皇家隊在五月作客紐約時,北佬打教朗神被記者們訪問有關他們隊上那殘破的得點圈 打擊率的問題。皇家隊打教認為這是一個變身的時刻,他把朗神的一些回答告訴了吼斯魔 (朗神+吼斯魔 = 吼腮雷 !!!!!!!!) 他只是試著告訴我每個人怎麼調整,吼斯魔說。球季還早啦,你沒看到普神都變普屋了 ,還有一狗票人都在低潮嗎?就像普屋他遲早會回火星變普神的,所以你也別太擔心了 啦。 " 年輕人,一切都需要時間。 " ----------------------- 剩下一部分,我明天再翻,愛睏 七點還有北佬/紅襪的大戰要看 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/07 06:08, , 1F
07/07 06:08, 1F

07/07 07:36, , 2F
Yost忘記E.Longoria J.Votto A.Pujols都是升上來沒有低
07/07 07:36, 2F

07/07 07:37, , 3F
To this point 應翻為 到目前為止吧
07/07 07:37, 3F

07/07 07:37, , 4F
07/07 07:37, 4F

07/07 07:40, , 5F
紅人在麥卡錫時代改叫紅腿是因為 Reds 也是共產黨(員) 的意
07/07 07:40, 5F

07/07 07:55, , 6F
07/07 07:55, 6F

07/07 08:26, , 7F
Rojas 1973的OPS+是90,不過比80也好不了多少
07/07 08:26, 7F

07/07 11:25, , 8F
07/07 11:25, 8F

07/07 11:50, , 9F
其實Trout反而有出現過剛上來的低潮 去年一開始打不好
07/07 11:50, 9F

07/07 13:48, , 10F
"country breakfast"應該翻成鄉村/農家早餐;說實話我覺
07/07 13:48, 10F

07/07 13:49, , 11F
07/07 13:49, 11F

07/07 13:50, , 12F
※ 編輯: iwillloveyou 來自: (07/07 15:05)

07/07 15:06, , 13F
07/07 15:06, 13F

07/07 17:16, , 14F
有玩Fantacy會發現~Hosmer最近三振(扣分)也變少了 推!
07/07 17:16, 14F

07/07 23:25, , 15F
Alwx Gordan 拼錯 感謝翻譯
07/07 23:25, 15F

07/08 00:41, , 16F
感謝提醒 已改正
07/08 00:41, 16F
※ 編輯: iwillloveyou 來自: (07/08 00:41) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: iwillloveyou (, 時間: 07/11/2012 00:34:00
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文章代碼(AID): #1F_5bvon (Royals)