Fw: [外電] 皇家小孩成長的煩惱(下)

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1F-2OVKV ] 作者: iwillloveyou (darren79525) 看板: MLB 標題: [外電] 皇家小孩成長的煩惱(下) 時間: Sat Jul 7 20:05:49 2012 接續上篇 Hanging with A-Rod Hosmer, who returns to his native south Florida in the offseason, enjoyed a perk this past winter when he received an invitation to smack a few around with Alex Rodriguez, Andrew Jones and Melky Cabrera ar A-Rod's personal batting cage in Miami. Moustakas, meanwhle, spent the winter at Scott Boras Training Institute in Aliso Viejo, Calif. through a combination of strenuous workouts and a greater emphasis on nutrition, he lost 10-12 pounds and essentially reshaped his body. He has a naturally stocky frame, so it's something he'll have to continue to monitor. Moustakas, like Hosmer, is a better hitter when he adheres to Seitzer's mandate to go up the middle. As a former shortstop, he has the requisite athleticism to be a fine defensive third baseman. But he didn't begin to take the next step with the glove until he overhauled his footwork in personal tutorials with Royals coach Eddie Rodriguez. According to the Bill James Fielding Bible rankings, Moustakas has saved 14 runs this season at third base -- second best in the majors to Toronto's Brett Lawrie, who has a whopping plus-40 ranking. We might be seeing a budding Gold Glove rivalry at the position in the American League. Every time Moustakas stole a hit with a great defensive play in April and May, Eddie Rodriguez sought him out in the dugout to congratulate him. "I finally told him, 'I'm tired of coming over and giving you knuckles or high-fives and telling you that you made a great play. It's what I expect of you now,'" Rodriguez said. 和A-Rod一起訓練吧!! 吼斯魔,在休賽期間回到了他的出生地:佛羅里達南部並在冬天稍微喘口氣、恢復元氣 時收到了一個邀請去和A-Rod、安朱瓊斯和牛奶弟一起到A-Rod在邁阿密的私人打擊訓練場 一起練習。 Moustakas,同一時間他花了整個冬天在經紀人波拉斯位於加利福尼亞州 Aliso Viejo市 的訓練營中努力培訓。這個集訓結合了對營養的重視和艱苦的訓練,他減去了10-12磅。 在本質上他重新塑造他的身體。(努力變成賽亞人?)他擁有一個易肥的體質, 所以這是他往後必須不斷地去督促自己的地方。 (<------ 感謝Zamed大寶貴的意見 ) 小莫就像吼斯魔一樣,當他遵從Seitzer的安排進入中心打線之中後會是個更好的打者 對於曾經是個游擊手的他,他有著成為良好防守三壘手所需要的運動能力。 但他的防守沒有開始進步直到他和皇家隊的教練Eddie Rodrighez開始一對一的教學, 他針對他防守的步法做出很大的修正。 根據Bill James的防守聖經排名,小莫今年在三壘已經為球隊守下14分,在整個大聯盟 中排行第二,僅次於藍鳥的Brett Lowrie。小莫為來可以預期會在美聯拿到一拖拉庫的 三壘金手套 在四月和五月,每一次小莫完成一個不可思議的防守偷走打者的安打時,Eddie就會對他 歡呼並大肆慶祝。 "終於呢,我實在是累爆了也厭倦去告訴你你所完成一次又一次的精采防守。" Eddie如是說,你要知道,這就是我現在對你的期望。 Moustakas comes from the town of Chatsworth in the San Fernando Valley, but he's no laid-back Californian. He can routinely be found bouncing around the clubhouse or tossing around a Kansas Jayhawks football to burn off excess energy. Seitzer refers to him as both a "grinder" and a "dirt bag." And Rodriguez was manning his post in the third-base coach's box earlier this season when a veteran umpire casually observed that Moustakas plays like a "throwback." The Royals have some other promising young position players to complement their big two. Shortstop Alcides Escobar, acquired from Milwaukee in the Zack Greinke trade, is hitting .307, and outfielder Wil Myers, the next organizational jewel, is tearing up the Pacific Coast League and moving closer to a call-up. The Royals also think they have a keeper in catcher Salvador Perez, who missed three months after suffering a knee injury in spring training. 小莫來自位於聖費爾南多谷裡的小鎮,但他在加州過的並不優閒。 他參加了一狗票的運動來消耗他過剩的體力。 Seitzer對他的反應是: 他是研磨機跟髒袋子的結合 (<----- ?????) Rodriguez被要求守在三壘指導教練的位子,這個球季的剛開始當有一個資深裁判說: 可以輕易的看出小莫的表現有了很大的逆轉(進步一大堆) 皇家隊還有其他充滿天份的球員來補兩個很重要的位子。 交易掉Z魔神從酒鬼換來的游擊手-艾斯庫巴 他繳出了.307的打擊率 外野手 Wil Myers (BA top5),另一個球隊的基石,他摧殘著小聯盟很快就會上來了 皇家隊也認為他們有一個捕手的長期答案 Salvador Perez ,春訓膝蓋受傷後必須 錯過三個月的賽期。 But general manager Dayton Moore and his staff have had trouble syncing up the pitchers with the hitters. Luke Hochevar has yet to show the consistency or dominance expected from a former No. 1 overall draft pick, and prospects Danny Duffy, John Lamb and Mike Montgomery have either gotten hurt or failed to perform to expectations. Hosmer and Moustakas are ultimately in this climb together -- at least until they hit free agency in a few years and Boras, their mutual guy, starts trumpeting how "special" each is to 29 other teams. "'Hos' has been one of my best friends for the last four years," Moustakas said. "I was able to lean on him last year, and he leaned on me a little bit this year. Like I've told him, 'Baseball is what we do; it's not who we are.' We're able to separate ourselves from the game and realize it's not the end of the world when you're doing bad. There are always brighter days ahead." A promising future is a nice thing to ponder when the present is a mixed bag. Hosmer and Moustakas have the talent, and now they're putting in the time. They're both likely to find that good things -- and All-Star appearances -- can come to those who wait. 但是 總ㄟ Dayton Moore和他的員工們看到投手上的深度遠遠比不上打者,他們頭很痛。 霍大俠,曾經的選秀第一指名,仍無法展現出當初對他的期待-投手丘上的隱定性和宰制 力還有其他的新秀像是杜飛、覽伯、和Montgomery都分別有傷勢的困擾或是表現不符期待 。 吼斯魔 和 小莫最終都一起逐漸從低潮中爬起,至少他們還會再一起打好幾年直到他們變 成自由球員或是恐怖的波拉斯(money money !!!!)的影響 這兩個傢伙,開始吹噓說彼此跟其他29支球隊相比是多麼的特別 吼斯 在過去四年已經變成我最愛的朋友了,小莫真情告白。 去年我從他身上學到了很多;而今年,他也在我身上挖掘出一些東西 就像我告訴他的,棒球是我們正在做些什麼,而不是我們是誰。 當我們表現不好的時候,我們可以從比賽中切割出來並認知到這不是終點。 未來總是光明的。 (更何況有你陪伴我阿,吼斯魔) (小莫充滿磁性嗓音說著他的見解,雙眼綻放出熱戀的光芒。) 一個充滿希望的未來是一件相當棒的事情。(咳咳,讓我們就此見證這對夫妻的幸福) 吼斯魔跟小莫都具有天賦,他們也不斷地付出時間來成長。 他們在外來都有很大的可能會找到好的事情 >>>> 全明星賽的門票 這一切都會發生,只要你願意等。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/07 20:22, , 1F
07/07 20:22, 1F

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http://tinyurl.com/77xln4x 忍不住去google他們倆的
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圖片~ XDD
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07/08 09:56, 8F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: iwillloveyou (, 時間: 07/11/2012 00:34:21
文章代碼(AID): #1F_5cFP- (Royals)
文章代碼(AID): #1F_5cFP- (Royals)