[新聞] The Kansas City Royals Power Hour

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The Kansas City Royals Power Hour by Joe Posnanski-- May 29,2013 The Kansas City Royals did not hit a home run again on Tuesday — heck, they only managed two hits against the Cardinals, a hard double and soft single by Billy Butler — and so that means they have two home runs since May 15, both by 439-year-old Miguel Tejada. How bad is this power outage? Well, I’ve been keeping up with this a bit on my personal blog but just as a quick point of reference: 皇家週四再度沒法打砲--見鬼了,對上紅雀還只有兩支安打,一支硬的二安還有 一支軟的一安都是 Billy Butler敲的--也就是說自5月15號以來只有兩發全壘打 ,都是由39歲的大叔 Miguel Tejada開轟的。這次停產到底有多慘?好吧,我會 留點東西在個人部落格,僅用快速觀點做導引: – No Royals regular has hit a home run in 13 straight games (though Miggy Tejada is looking more and more like a regular with the astounding struggles of Mike Moustakas, who is now hitting .178 on the season). The last Royals regular to hit a home run was Billy Butler on May 14. 連續13場比賽,沒有半個皇家的例行先發打者開轟(雖然 Miggy Tejada 看起來還 更像是常規選手,因為 Mike Moustakas本季令人訝異的低潮打擊率只有0.178。) 皇家常規先發最近開轟一發的那位是5月14號的Billy Butler。 – The Royals have not had a left-handed batter hit a home run since the aforementioned Mike Moustakas on May 10. To give you an idea how long ago that was, the hockey playoffs were still in the first round, the Heat was playing at Chicago having just lost to the Bulls, and the IRS story had only just broken. 皇家左打自5月10號上述的Mike Moustakas開轟後就沒有炸裂了。為了讓你了解那 到底有多久,當時曲棍球季後賽還在第一輪,而NBA的熱火隊才在芝加哥輸給公牛 ,國稅局的醜聞才剛爆出來。 (譯註:IRS story--國稅局(IRS)專挑保守派團體的免稅申請案加以嚴查,這起醜 聞10日爆發,IRS官員在與稅務律師會議時透露,IRS單挑茶黨(Tea Party) 與其他保守派團體額外查核他們的免稅身分。) – The Chicago Cubs have outhomered the Royals since May 15 and, no, wait, that’s not it. Oh yeah, The Chicago Cubs PITCHING STAFF has outhomered the Royals since May 15. 自5月15號以來,小熊的全壘打量比皇家多,等等,不完全是這樣,應該這樣說, 自5月15號以來,小熊投手的全壘打量比皇家多。 (譯註:小熊投手的打擊目前是全大聯盟最強,包含3發由投手所轟的全壘打, Scott Feldman在5月24號,Jeff Samardzija在5月15號,Travis Wood 在5月19號。) – The St. Louis Cardinals hit three homers more home runs against the Royals Tuesday night, which is more than the Royals have hit since May 15. Actually, this is a point worth expanding upon: The wind was blowing out at Kauffman Stadium Tuesday for the Royals-Cardinals game. The Cardinals sent rookie lefty Tyler Lyons to the mound. Lyons is a promising prospect but he’ s still a rookie, and he’s a lefty, and the wind was blowing out. The Royals still didn’t even come close to homering. They never really do. 周二晚上,紅雀對上皇家轟了三發,還比皇家自5月15號以來打的還多。 事實上,以上這點值得延伸討論:週二這場在 Kauffman Stadium 的皇家紅雀之 戰,風勢是順風的。紅雀還派上菜鳥左投 Tyler Lyons上投手丘。Lyons 是位有 前途的新秀,但他依然還是阿菜,還是個左撇子,風勢是往外吹的。皇家甚至連 接近全壘打牆的球都打不出來。他們真的做不到。 And this gets to the heart of something else. The Royals have not exactly been facing the 1965 Dodgers pitching staff during this absurd power outage. A look at the starting pitchers the Royals have faced during this streak makes the thing even more impossible: 而且這也點出問題核心。在這段停電時期,皇家真的沒有遇到像是1965年道奇的 投手陣容。看看連幾場比賽皇家所面對的這些先發,甚至讓沒全壘打這事情看起 來更不可能發生。 譯註:1965道奇是總冠軍,他們投手陣容裡有HOF+CYA等級的Sandy Koufax, 還有其他全明星,http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/LAD/1965.shtml 5/28: Tyler Lyons (第二次大聯盟先發的阿菜) 5/27: Adam Wainwright 5/26: Jerome Williams 5/25: Billy Buckner (前皇家球員,3年內第一次的大聯盟先發) 5/24: Jason Vargas (30歲,去年被轟35發。大聯盟第二名。) 5/23: Joe Blanton (這場賽前成績是0-7,6.62 ERA,被長打率是0.562) 5/22: Jordan Lyles (22歲,這場賽前成績是防禦率 6.63,被長打率是0.524) 5/21: Bud Norris 5/20: Dallas Keuchel (帶著生涯113局被打19發的成績進入這場) 5/19: A.J. Griffin (51局被敲了8發,下一場先發還被幹了3支全壘打。) 5/18: Tommy Malone (他之前的241局投球中被打了31發) 5/17: Jarrod Parker (這場賽前在40局投球裡被幹了九發,防禦率6.64。) 5/15: Barry Enright (兩年多以來的第二度先發) You know who is not on that list? Justin Verlander. And CC Sabathia. And Felix Hernandez. And really any of the, say, 40 best pitchers in the American League. Other than Wainwright, you would have thought the Royals would hit home runs BY ACCDIDENT. 你知道誰不在以上那張表嗎? Justin Verlander 還有 CC Sabathia 、還有 Felix Hernandez。還有任何在美聯裡能叫出名字的40位最佳投手。 除了 Wainwright以外,以上那些都會讓你認為皇家能夠“意外”的敲個全壘打。 By the way, the Royals loss was their 18th in 22 games, and their 10th straight home defeat, tying a club record. The other day, I predicted that the Royals and their connections would spend a lot of time talking about the little things — which they seem to be doing — but I did not make the equally obvious prediction that soon Royals manager Ned Yost would make a bizarre and hilarious statement that would show him beginning to lose his mind. Hey, it happens to all of them. The Royals drove Tony Muser to his make his locally famous quote about how the Royals needed to pray less and drink more tequila. The Royals drove Tony Pena to guarantee a pennant and jump in the shower with his clothes on. The Royals drove Trey Hillman to all sorts of craziness. You can’t blame them — they’re only human. 順道一提,皇家在最近22場裡輸了18場,還有主場10連敗平了自家紀錄。未來我預 測皇家以及他們的關係人員會花一大堆時間談論一些芝麻綠豆小事--他們似乎已經 開始做了--但我不做相當明顯的預測,也就是皇家教頭Ned Yost會發表一些奇幻好 笑的聲明,那表示他已經開始發瘋了。 嘿,他們全部都會這樣。皇家聘任的前教頭Tony Muser在當地有句名言,皇家需要 少點禱告,多點龍舌蘭酒。皇家用了 Tony Pena,他為了擔保能拿到分區冠軍,穿 著衣服跳進去洗澡。皇家用的Trey Hillman則是全瘋了。你不能怪罪他們,他們不 過是人。 譯註:Tony Muser在2002皇家當教頭拿到100敗,2003年Tony Pena接下球隊, 2008年則是換了Trey Hillman。 And so is Ned Yost, only human: “What are you asking me to do?” he told reporters after Tuesday’s game. “ Take my belt off and spank them? Yell at them? Scream at them? What do you want?” Yep, Ned Yost is out of ideas. Every Royals manager gets there sooner or later. 而Ned Yost也只是個人類: “你問我要做啥?”週二賽後他告訴記者。“解下我的皮帶來鞭他們?吼他們?你想 怎樣啦?” 是的,Ned Yost巧婦難為無米了,每個皇家教頭不管快慢都會瘋掉。 http://ppt.cc/t6cS -- 這文兩天前的,所以相關數據略有不同 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (05/31 05:14)

05/31 08:37, , 1F
自5月15號以來,小熊投手的全壘打量比皇家多 慘到沒剩..
05/31 08:37, 1F
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