[討論] Royals should replace Wade Davis with Danny Duffy

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原文:http://ppt.cc/be1d 同場加映關於WD的處理方式(雖然是8/18寫的) 不應該再無謂的期待他離譜的BABIP回到平均值 特別是在今年的防守能力幫忙下 被轟成豬頭絕對不能歸咎於運氣欠佳 如果Duffy的手臂已經100%恢復 是時候讓他上來試身手了 (Hector:再糟也不會比WD糟吧 XD 而且也可以順便看看 2014的Duffy 可以帶給我們什麼樣的期待> 但作者懷疑GM會這麼快就直接認賠 承認當初盤來WD是個錯誤的賭注 可是今年既然已經作了幾次投降輸一半的決定 應該沒差這一次才對 況且Hoch丟到牛棚的表現也有意外的驚喜 (一個禮拜過去了 WD還在先發輪值 會怎麼發展讓我們繼續看下去) If the Royals are serious about making the playoffs this season, manager Ned Yost cannot keep Wade Davis in the Royals rotation. Danny Duffy is healthy and has superior stuff to the struggling Davis. Opponents are hitting Davis like they’re playing T-ball. He has the 3rd highest ERA among MLB starters with more than 110 IP. He also surrenders the highest batting average on balls in play (BABIP) of any pitcher in the league at .376. While many would dismiss Davis’ BABIP as bad luck, he’s giving up hard contact. Hitters connect for 28.8% line drives on batted balls against Davis, the highest rate of any starting pitcher in MLB. Add in that defensive metrics like UZR and Dewan’s +/- system rate the Royals as the top defensive team in baseball, Davis’ high BABIP seems to be more than simple bad fortune. Tbe bottom line is simple: the Royals should replace Wade Davis with Danny Duffy (1.86 ERA in 9.2 IP in 2 starts this season) in the Royals’ rotation. I would be surprised if Ned Yost actually makes such a move. Davis was touted as a critical piece in the Wil Myers trade due to Davis being under team control until 2017—for prices that will be considered bargain basement deals if Davis is an effective starter. By removing Wade Davis from the rotation and returning him to the pen, the Royals would be declaring themselves the “loser” of the trade. GM Dayton Moore has already made a number of humbling decisions this season. He DFA’d Jeff Francoeur and ate nearly 1/2 his $7.5 million contract. He and Ned Yost fired hitting coaches Andre David and Jack Maloof after less than two months on the job. Yost also demoted former no.1 overall draft pick Luke Hochevar to the pen in spring training, where he has thrived this season. The Royals need to make yet another humbling decision if they want to make the playoffs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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