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Royals Willing To Listen On Butler The Kansas City Royals are willing to discuss a possible trade involving Billy Butler.Butler is owed $20 million over the next two seasons. --------------------------------------------------------- 皇家願意聆聽任何關於Billy Butler的交易案,未來兩年BB身上 還有兩千萬鎂的合約在。(烤肉醬曾經讓隊上氣氛很好的呀...) Angels To Revisit Trading Kendrick This Winter. It seems more and more likely that the Los Angeles Angels will revisit trading Howie Kendrick this winter.The Angels are in need of young pitching and prospects. The Baltimore Orioles and Kansas City Royals could be options for Kendrick. ---------------------------------------------------------- 洛杉磯天使試圖在冬季會議上,再度兜售二壘手Howie Kendrick, 交易的選項,鎖定補強年輕投手和農場,金鶯和皇家被認為是可能 的買家。(二壘確實是個大洞...) Lester Acknowledges He Was Almost Dealt To Royals The Boston Red Sox explored the possibility of trading Jon Lester to the Kansas City Royals this past offseason in a deal that would have brought back Wil Myers. Instead, Kansas City dealt Myers to the Tampa Bay Rays for James Shields and others. ---------------------------------------------------------- 抗癌鬥士Lester證實了,他在今年季前之時,真的差一點點就要被 交易到皇家來,然後農場出產的超級大物Wil Myers換到紅襪去。 "You obviously hear it. You get the phone calls and texts from people about it. [Royals manager Ned Yost] is actually a pretty good friend of mine. I flat-out called him one day and was like, 'Hey, what do you got on this?' He said, 'Yeah, we're trying to make it work.' I just said, 'OK,'" Lester said. -------------------------------------------------------------- 抗癌鬥士說: 季前聽到那樣的風聲後,我打給了皇家的總經理Ned Yost,他是我蠻 好的朋友,他告訴我事情的確視如此,我們也正在運作當中,於是我 和他說了聲"OK"。 At end of the day,it's a game. You enjoy doing it. But when it comes down to it, it's a business. You have to understand that. You can't take it personal. Nothing that [GM Ben Cherington] has done or that [former Red Sox GM Theo Epstein] has done in the past have I ever taken personal. That's just kind of the nature of what we do. You can't come into spring training with a chip on your shoulder and say, '[Expletive], they tried to trade me,' sulk and complain about it. It is what it is. You can't worry about it. If it went through and I was a Kansas City Royal, then I would have done the same things over there that I've done here for the past seven years, try to win games. -------------------------------------------------------------- 抗癌鬥士繼續說: 人生就好比一場球賽,這宗交易走到最後,我仍舊無法去用個人因素去 左右些甚麼,這就是場商業交易,不管是現任的紅襪總管Cherington或 是前任的Epstein,都是依循著大聯盟的理所當然的法則在運作。如果 我是某個傳聞中即將被交易的那人,帶著惡劣不敬業態度,然後在春訓 裡擺爛? 再對著媒體說三道四地抱怨? NO,那不是我,即使不是神盾, 而是我今天真的披上藍衫成了皇家人,我依然會秉持過去七年的工作態 度,每場比賽全力求勝。 (抗癌鬥士來陣中,應該也不會輸神盾太多...吧!) Royals Add Dale Sveum To Coaching Staff The Royals today announced they have added Dale Sveum to the 2014 coaching staff. The former manager of the Cubs will be in charge of infield instruction while his in-game responsibilities will be determined at a later date. The Royals also announced that the major league coaching contracts of Chino Cadahia and Eddie Rodriguez have not been renewed, with Cadahia offered an opportunity to be reassigned within the organization. Sveum, 49, spent the last two seasons as the manager of the Cubs, after six years on the coaching staff of the Brewers, including three years with current Royals’ manager Ned Yost. ------------------------------------------------------------ 任命前小熊經理Dale Sveum為教練團成員之一,主要會負責內野守備 方面的指導工作。前年起的過去六年,Sveum待在釀酒人的教練團, 而其中的三年,曾經和Ned Yost共事過。(老朋友好辦事) Yost Reaches Two-Year Extension With Royals Ned Yost has agreed to a two-year contract extension with the Kansas City Royals.The Royals finished 86-76, their best record for the franchise in 24 years. Yost is 741-831 in 10 seasons as manager of the Milwaukee Brewers and Royals. ------------------------------------------------------------ Yost也和球隊簽下了兩年的延長合約,今年繳出86勝76敗不俗成績單的 皇家年輕部隊,打出24年來的最佳戰績。Yost生涯擔任經理的戰績, 目前來到了741勝831敗。(距離五成還有段路要走,加油) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/24 12:40, , 1F
10/24 12:40, 1F

10/24 14:00, , 2F
10/24 14:00, 2F
※ 編輯: dimblackjQ 來自: (10/24 18:15)
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