[外電] some news --- 續簽山塔那?

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Royals Hopeful Of Re-Signing Ervin Santana The Kansas City Royals insist that losing Ervin Santana in free agency this winter isn't a foregone conclusion. 皇家高層認為,他們有能力避免在這個冬天,失去本季表現不俗的 Ervin Santana (31歲/9勝10敗/防禦率:3.24/WHIP:1.14)。 "Look at what happened last year with Kyle Lohse," one top club official said. "You never know what's going to happen." 看看釀酒人Kyle Lohse,今年依然威猛的表現,你真的無法保證 未來會有甚麼事情會發生。(暗指山塔那會繼續猛下去吧) Lohse was projected to be one of the top pitchers on the free agent market, but when the St. Louis Cardinals tendered him a one-year qualifying offer the price to sign him increased. His new team also had to surrender a draft pick. 當紅雀總管只給了Kyle Lohse一年合約,採較保守心態去面對時, 酒鬼勇敢的追加了價碼,然後賭到了今年仍然不俗的成績。 "We're going to do the best we can to put as many quality guys as we can in that rotation," Dayton Moore said. "We feel like we've got a lot of really good internal options. 大總管Dayton Moore表示,我們就是要盡可能找尋最優質的投手, 把投手輪值給補齊,從現有的陣容中去做保留補強。 "We're really proud of what Ervin did for us, and we're going to be excited to see if we can get him under contract. But we've got to prepare for all different scenarios. That's what Erv is doing as well." 我們為Ervin今年的表現感到驕傲,也期待能和他談成一筆合約, 如果他本身也和我們有相同的想法的話。但我們也會保留任何 可能變化的因應方案。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dimblackjQ 來自: (10/29 05:19)
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