[球員] No Fluke (written by Hosmer)

看板Royals作者 (Mooooooooose)時間9年前 (2015/10/19 01:28), 9年前編輯推噓10(10019)
留言29則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
"No one believes us" 沒有人相信我們 You hear that all the time in sports. You hear it so often that it's almost become meaningless now. You hear an athlete say it, and you just kind of roll your eyes. 在場上你總是會聽到這句話, 聽到你覺得它毫無意義 最後當你聽到某個選手說這句話時, 你會對他翻個白眼 http://i.imgur.com/DXLgZQI.gif
"No one believes in us" Okay, bro, you think. Whatever you say. 好吧兄弟, 那是你的想法, 我才不管你怎麼講咧 The thing about "no one believes in us," though ... is that most of the time it's deserved. 沒有人相信我們, 但是在大多數的情況下, 這些成就(ex: 2014 AL Champion)實至名歸 When people don't believe in you - as hard to accept as it may be - what is usually, finally, amounts to is this: You haven't done something worth believing in yet. It means that you still haven't proven it. That you still haven't proven you belong. 當人們不相信你們時, 他們總是認為 "你們還沒做出值得我認可的事" "你仍然沒有證明這不是賽到der" And honestly, that's how it should be. 其實本來就是這樣 But what about when you have done it? What about when you've proven you belong - and still no one believes in you? What then? Well, there's a word for that. There's a word for what that makes you, in people's minds - when you've done something once, and no one believes you can do it again. A Fluke. 但當你已經完成某件事, 當你已經證明你自己, 可是還是沒有人相信你時, 金馬係安爪? 有個字很適合形容這種情況, 在你已經完成某事一次, 但人們不覺得你可以再做一次時 " 運氣好 " When Spring Training started this year, it was clear that "a fluke" is what the Kansas City Royals were to most people. Maybe no one said it out loud, or said it directly .. but even still. You could tell. You can always tell. We knew where we stood. 今年春訓開始時, 堪薩斯皇家隊對大部份人來說就是"賽到der球隊" 也許沒人大聲的, 明白的講出來, 可是你們可以說嘛, 沒關係的 我們知道我們有多強就好啦 We were the defending AL Champs. We had come within a game - and as close as you could possibly come, within that game - of winning the World Series. We were a young team, with its core returning intact. 我們是美聯衛冕冠軍 而且只差一場就能拿到世界大賽冠軍了(Texas : ...) 我們是一隻年輕球隊, 而且過了一年主力都還在 And yet ... no one was picking us to even make it back to the playoffs. Not the World Series ... not the Americen League ... not the division - the playoffs. We were predicted, by consensus, to miss the postseason entirly. We were predicted, essentially, to be a flash in the pan 然後啊, 先別管世界大賽或美聯冠軍賽了, 沒有人預測我們今年會進季後賽 專家一致性的認為我們10月只能在家裡看電視, 就好像去年的我們只是一顆 劃過天邊的流星 A cool moment, a nice story ... but a footnote. A team that people would look back on in ten years and say, Oh, hey, remember that one random Royals team? That was fun We were That Team - that's what people assumed. We weren't built to last. 很棒的時刻, 很棒的故事 可是10年後人們會說 : " hey, 看看2014的黃佳瑩 , that was fun! " 但我們本來就不是來搶狀元的 And on some level ... I get it . From the outside looking in, I can see how someone might come to that conclusion. At times during the regular season last year, a lot of our younger guys struggled - myself included. We had a season to be proud of, of course - we won the Wild Card, the Royals' first playoff berth in 29 years - but it's not as enough we had set the world on fire. We won 89 games. We were solid. That's it. 從某種角度來看, 我能理解為何外界會認為我們只是運氣好, 去年我們有一堆人打 得跟屎一樣, 包括我在內 我們有個值得驕傲的賽季, 我們贏了外卡 讓皇家迷迷們10月還可以進場看球 可是這不是讓專家們眼鏡碎滿地的地方 我們贏了89場 我們超強 這才是重點 And then, in the playoffs, we found this magic. We were in the Wild Card Game, down 7-3, in the eighth inning, with Jon Lester - a legendary postseason pitcher on the mound. And we found ... this ... magic. 然後在季後賽, 我們發現了一個魔法 在AL外卡PK賽的8局下, 當時我們7-3落後, 投手丘上站著超恐怖的Jon Lester (然後我們盜爽爽) To this day, it's hard for me to explain what happened that night. I'm still not sure I totally know myself. But here's the best I can come up with : When you have your back against the wall, and are facing adversity - that's when you find out who you really are. That's when you really get a good look in the mirror. 現在我也很難解釋那天晚上到底發生了什麼事 當時我們面對著逆境, 在輸球就只能回家看對面打季後賽的情況下, 照照鏡子, 我們突然想到自己曾經是Top Prospect, 而不是minor league guy. And I think we looked ourselves in the mirrors, as a team, and we liked what we saw. It felt like this - playing on national TV, in prime time, in a meaningful baseball game in October - was where we belonged. And we didn't want that feeling to end. 然後我又想到 : 現在全國的棒球迷都在看我耶, 在八點檔熱映的時段, 而且這場很重要 我們不想輸球回家 And somehow, it didn't. We scratched and clawed, bit by bit ... and by the time that Salvador's single dropped in, early into next morning ... we had won the game, 9-8, in a 12-inning miracle. We found a way - and I think a lot more, besides: We found our identity. Our groove. Our potential. Our selves. 結果真的沒有, 我們慢慢的追分, 最後當Perez打出的球碰到左外野的草皮時 我們贏惹 9-8 , 12局的奇蹟 我們發現我們的潛力, Top Prospect不是叫假的 And there was no turning back. It's no accident that, in the next two series, we started to play with a swagger. After that Wild Card Game, we felt a swagger. We felt like, in those middle innings against the A's, we had attended our own funeral. People had already declared us dead. But we weren't dead - we were very much alive. And we had nothing to lose. And we didn't lose. Not in the Division Series. Not in the League Championship Series. For two straight playoff series, we didn't lose once. 事情一發不可收拾 我們連贏了ALDS跟ALCS, 毫無意外 在街上我們開始橫著走路 在對綠帽的那場比賽裡, 我們就像是出席了自己的葬禮一樣 人們宣告我們的死亡, 但那沒有成為事實 我們活得好好的, 也沒有什麼能夠失去 Remember when I said that we were an 89-win team ? That we were "solid" ? Yeah - we weren't just solid anymore. During those two series, our team grew up. And we became really legitimately good. 記得我剛剛說我們是一隻89勝的球隊嗎? 然後我說我們很不錯? 是的, 我們不再只是不錯 在ALDS跟ALCS裡, 我們成長了 現在我們強到連我自己都會怕 In the World Series, we gave it everything we had. We lost, in seven, in an instant classic. "Heartbreaking ending" - another sport cliche. But that's how it felt. Man, we came lose. 到了世界大賽, 我們拿出了所有看家本領, 可是最後在Game 7 輸了 一個經典的系列賽 一個心碎的結局 好啦這句話是老梗了, 但它很貼切 And we knew. We knew how close we had come, and how well we had matched up with a Giants team that will probobly go down as a dynasty. We had gone toe to toe. We had taken the Champ's very best shot, and endured one of the best World Series performances in history from Madison Bumgarner - and still we had nearly come out top. 然後我們知道冠軍有多近 好啦 MadBum超神可是我們還是差點拿到冠軍 We weren't "hot." We were good. We were almost great. 不是剛好狀況很好, 我們很強, 差點就拿到A+了 And that's what everyone who assumed we would take a step backward this year failed to fully understand. We didn't just "go on a run" last year. We had been a young team, trying to figure it out. And together we did. We came of age, and into our own. 認為我們今年會回到耍廢模式的人都不懂我們啦 我們去年不只是靠著"一股氣"衝進World Series Royals 是一隻年輕的球隊, 試著弄懂要怎麼贏球 然後我們成功了 After Game 7 , the whole team sat with each other in the locker room for about an hour and a half. No one even took their uniform off. Honestly, I think we were all just a little confused. It was a terrible feeling. Game 7 輸球以後, 我們在更衣室坐了一個半小時, 別說是其他事了 沒有半個人去脫下自己的球衣 我們有點困惑 感覺很差 But looking back, now, I understand what that confusion meant. We were confused that it was over - and that we weren't holding a trophy. We had expected to win it all. 現在想想, 我知道當時為何有點困惑了 我們打到最後, 可是沒拿到獎盃 說好的獎盃咧 ?????? When the season began this year, I knew we were a team that had several identities - that represented a lot of things: Comeback kids. A new generation Playoff veterans. The defending AL Champs. But one identity stood out above the rest : No Fluke. 今年開季時, 我知道Royals 有很多身分 1. 新生代球隊 2. 季後賽老鳥 ( 不是只打一年嗎.... ) 3. AL衛冕冠軍 可是有一個身份最重要 : 證明我們不是假貨 And that, to me, is what has defined this team all season long - and has made it so special, and its objective so unique. While every other contender right now is playing with the goal of proving that they belong this year - for us the stakes are even higher. For us, we feel like we aren't just playing for this year ... we're playing for last year as well. We're playing to win the pennant. But we're also playing to prove that last year's pennant was real. We're playing to prove that the "heartbreaking ending" to our season was only one of these things : That yeah, it was heartbreaking. But it wasn't an ending at all. 今年贏球不只是為了今年, 也是為了證明去年是真的 我們曾經心痛過 可是還沒完 It was a beginning. They predicted that we would win 75 games this year. We won 95. And now we're in a fight for our playoff lives. 去年進季後賽只是開始 專家們預測我們今年只會贏75場, 我們最後多贏了20場 現在打開電視還看得到我們喔~ In other words: We're right where we want to be. We weren't a fluke. 換句話說 : 我們就在我們想要的位置 Boooooooo 是假貨 !! We're the Kansas City Royals. We're here, now. And we're going to be sticking around for a while. 我們是堪薩斯市皇家隊, 我們就在這裡 然後我們還想多待一會兒 http://www.theplayerstribune.com/eric-hosmer-kansas-city-royals/ -- 最後兩句感覺好像Transformers 的台詞.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1445189325.A.864.html ※ 編輯: Moustakas (, 10/19/2015 01:30:44 ※ 編輯: Moustakas (, 10/19/2015 01:33:35 ※ 編輯: Moustakas (, 10/19/2015 01:34:30 ※ 編輯: Moustakas (, 10/19/2015 01:35:24 ※ 編輯: Moustakas (, 10/19/2015 01:36:41

10/19 04:35, , 1F
推推 超感慨的 這幾年跟朋友說支持皇家都被嘲諷 終於
10/19 04:35, 1F

10/19 04:35, , 2F
揚眉吐氣了卻又一副賽到的樣子 今年終於有強隊風範啦
10/19 04:35, 2F

10/19 04:35, , 3F
10/19 04:35, 3F

10/19 08:57, , 4F
10/19 08:57, 4F

10/19 09:05, , 5F
10/19 09:05, 5F

10/19 09:06, , 6F
一定要證明給大家看 看看季初一堆專家的預測都覺得好笑
10/19 09:06, 6F

10/19 09:10, , 7F
我們進到季後賽了 還是以聯盟最佳戰績 TakeTheCrown
10/19 09:10, 7F

10/19 11:37, , 8F
10/19 11:37, 8F

10/19 15:23, , 9F
10/19 15:23, 9F

10/19 15:23, , 10F
10/19 15:23, 10F

10/19 15:26, , 11F
10/19 15:26, 11F

10/19 15:26, , 12F
10/19 15:26, 12F

10/19 21:09, , 13F
文章是出自Jeter經營的網站 在ALDS期間看到這篇文章 感想
10/19 21:09, 13F

10/19 21:10, , 14F
是被看扁沒關係 只要球員自己知道how good they are就夠了
10/19 21:10, 14F

10/19 21:11, , 15F
10/19 21:11, 15F

10/19 21:11, , 16F
但條件實在差滿多的只有玩票 現在在當股市交易員
10/19 21:11, 16F

10/19 21:12, , 17F
一起玩部落衝突的好像還有Cain and Dyson XD
10/19 21:12, 17F

10/19 21:25, , 18F
如果季末留不住Gordon 那球隊就變成Moose+Hoz的 只是不知
10/19 21:25, 18F

10/19 21:26, , 19F
他們兩個能留多久就是了 XD
10/19 21:26, 19F

10/19 21:28, , 20F
他們的經紀人都是Boras, 感覺Hoz留不久,因為要交易比較有
10/19 21:28, 20F

10/19 21:29, , 21F
人搶 可以換到比較多東西回來XD 而且Hoz薪資應該也貴很多
10/19 21:29, 21F

10/20 00:06, , 22F
球團有說會盡力會讓Gordon穿皇家制服退休 I hope so
10/20 00:06, 22F

10/20 02:59, , 23F
秋信守在小他一歲的年紀時 簽下7年130M的大約 而且那已經
10/20 02:59, 23F

10/20 03:04, , 24F
是2014年的事情 如果他要求比照 那就真的謝謝再聯絡了
10/20 03:04, 24F

10/20 03:20, , 25F
一如預期的 第三戰的先發打序完全沒變
10/20 03:20, 25F

10/20 05:04, , 26F
10/20 05:04, 26F

10/20 05:05, , 27F
10/20 05:05, 27F

10/20 05:05, , 28F
10/20 05:05, 28F

10/20 05:06, , 29F
10/20 05:06, 29F
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文章代碼(AID): #1M8zRDXa (Royals)