[Farm] Scott Alexander

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By John Sickels on May 13, 2016, 2:08p With injuries slamming the pitching staff, the Kansas City Royals have promoted left-hander Scott Alexander from Triple-A Omaha to the major league roster. Here's a quick look. 因為有投手受傷,從3A被叫上大聯盟,來快速看過 Scott Alexander was drafted by the Royals in the sixth round in 2010 from Sonoma State University. Used almost exclusively as a reliever in the minors, he hasn't started a game since 2012 and has been groomed for short relief work. His best professional season was 2015, when he posted a 2.56 ERA in 63 innings for Omaha with a 50/17 K/BB, collecting 14 saves. He appeared briefly in the majors last season with six innings of bullpen duty over four outings, with a 4.50 ERA and 3/3 K/BB. Alexander在2010年皇家的6輪選秀,來自Sonoma State University。在小聯盟大部分都 是後援,自從2012就沒先發過,以短程後援為主,生涯最佳成績是去年,在3A的63局投球 繳出2.56 ERA及50K、17BB的表現,14次救援成功,去年在大聯盟短暫出現,4場出賽6局 的牛棚成績是4.50 ERA跟3K3BB。 Alexander is a 6-2, 190 pounder, age 26. He is NOT a soft-tosser, owning a legitimate 90-94 MPH fastball and a solid-average slider. He is a ground ball pitcher and hitters have a hard time lofting him, especially lefties who batted a mere .144 against him last season and just .154 this year. Alexander身高6呎2、體重190磅、26歲,他不是軟球投手,速球有90-94麥,還有高於平 均的滑球,他是個滾地球投手,打者很難掌握到他的球,特別是左打者,去年僅有.144的 被打擊率,今年則是.154 He is ideally-suited for anti-lefty LOOGY relief work and could have a long career in that role. 他可以是很好的1人左,並可以一直在那位置持續做好他的工作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1463287957.A.371.html

05/16 19:26, , 1F
05/16 19:26, 1F
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