[討論] Cuthbert能守2B或RF嗎?

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Is Cuthbert an option at 2B or RF for Royals? By Jeffrey Flanagan / MLB.com | 6:25 PM ET KANSAS CITY -- Asked how the Royals might keep third baseman Cheslor Cuthbert on the 25-man roster once Mike Moustakas comes off the disabled list, a club official smiled and said, "These things tend to take care of themselves." As Cuthbert continues to play dazzling defense, and as he continues to contribute offensively (.286, one homer, two doubles in seven games), the question that keeps coming up among the fan base is how to keep him here. The least productive parts of the lineup entering Saturday's game are in right field (.516 OPS) and second base (.631 OPS). Royals manager Ned Yost has split playing time at each position -- Christian Colon /Omar Infante at second and Paulo Orlando /Jarrod Dyson in right -- trying to find more production. Cuthbert has played only four professional games at second base, and none in the outfield. He has played second base once in the big leagues, and that was for just two innings last season. "I do take a lot of ground balls at second every day," Cuthbert said. "And I played some second in Spring Training." The question, eventually, for Royals officials is would Cuthbert be a better option than Colon/Infante, both veterans who handle the position defensively with above-average success, though Infante has had his struggles at times this year. "It's just a matter of getting his footwork down there," Yost said. And, if Cuthbert's defense isn't on the level of Colon or Infante, another question is would Cuthbert's offense be superior enough to offset the difference. That has yet to be established. There also have been talks about Cuthbert trying right field. Cuthbert's only experience there is shagging balls during batting practice. "He's athletic enough," Yost said. "We'll see what happens." And, of course, the Royals would be faced with making perhaps a tough roster decision. "There's no reason to worry about anything right now," Yost said. 為了因應Moose即將回歸...賽前都會看到Cuthbert在練一些2壘的守備 我們在RF(.516 OPS)跟2B(.631 OPS)的OPS是所有位置最低的..(Paulo:....) 經驗值:2壘-4場;外野-BP練習時 反正他只要一直好表現下去,球隊一定會空出位置給他 PS.去年Cuthbert上大聯盟後,馬上收服兩個板主的心... 季末還討論幫他安排2壘的位置,沒想到現在球團聽到了我們的心聲XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1463290923.A.460.html

05/15 15:15, , 1F
05/15 15:15, 1F

05/15 16:36, , 2F
05/15 16:36, 2F

05/15 16:54, , 3F
他的Range站二壘還是有疑問 但可以試試 遼闊的外野就....
05/15 16:54, 3F

05/15 16:54, , 4F
也許面對右投可以讓他站三壘 然後Moose去打DH 至於Infante
05/15 16:54, 4F

05/15 16:55, , 5F
還換得到東西嗎? XD 外野就先讓Orlando試試看 如果不行
05/15 16:55, 5F

05/15 16:56, , 6F
可以拉Eibner上來 Dyson就還是當他的4號OF比較適合
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05/15 19:00, , 7F
05/15 19:00, 7F

05/15 19:23, , 8F
讓cuth守2b+1 Orlando要加把勁啊
05/15 19:23, 8F

05/15 19:57, , 9F
跟道奇談談看換Kendrick+Cash ?
05/15 19:57, 9F
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