[新聞] Royals Sign Michael Saunders

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He lasted two days in Pirates camp. The Royals announced they have signed outfielder Michael Saunders to a minor league deal. The 31-year old left-handed hitter spent 73 games with the Phillies and Blue Jays last year, hitting .202/.256/.344 with six home runs. He has spent nine years in the big leagues, mostly with the Mariners, and has hit .232/.305/.397 in his career. Saunders signed a minor league deal with the Pirates earlier in the week, but was released just two days later when the club acquired Corey Dickerson from the Rays. He was an All-Star in 2016 with the Blue Jays, hitting .253/.338/.478 with 24 home runs, but had a terrible second half, hitting just .178 after the break that year. Saunders has a solid 9.3% walk rate in his career, but has struck out over 25% of the time in his career. He has had solid power, but has always hit for a low average. He doesn’t have a big platoon split in his career, and actually had a reverse split last year. Saunders has played all three outfield positions, but hasn’t played significant time in center since 2014. His defense has been adequate, according to the metrics. The Canadian-born Saunders should be in the mix for a reserve outfield spot, with potentially a starting job on the line. MLB》詭異!他僅待2天海盜就又轉戰皇家 2018年02月24日 08:51 中時電子報 蔡銘仁 桑德斯(Michael Saunders)跟皇家簽下小聯盟約,看起來不算什麼大事,卻意外讓外界議 論紛紛,因為海盜在美國時間2月21日,才宣布用小聯盟約簽他,桑德斯也已現身海盜春 訓,2天內竟換了2支球隊?原來起因是海盜與光芒交易明星外野手狄克生(Corey Dickerson)所致。 桑德斯2016年在藍鳥時,入選美聯明星隊,去年卻打得完全不像明星球員;他開季在費城 人,而後又回鍋藍鳥,總計出賽73場,繳打擊率2成02、上壘率2成56、長打率3成44、6轟 、21打點。桑德斯季後離開藍鳥,直到2月21日才拿小聯盟約到海盜。 桑德斯美國時間2月23日,還在海盜官方推特的影片中受訪,未料隨後卻傳出他轉戰皇家 的消息。桑德斯經紀人麥斯特(Barry Meister)澄清,他沒同時跟2隊簽約,而是海盜得到 狄克生後,選擇把他釋出,「海盜總管杭丁頓(Neal Huntington)人很好,讓桑德斯去找 其他機會。」 海盜讓桑德斯離開的做為,讓麥斯特相當讚賞,「他們對球員很好,態度也很誠懇。」桑 德斯短短48小時內兩度換東家,《theScore》記者沙基葛特雷伯(Simon Sharkey-Gotlieb) 直言,這讓所有人感到困惑,而他這少見的歷程,很可能會在棒球史上被人記住。 -- ════════ ███◣ ═══════ ════════╮ █▌ █ 40 Kc ◥█ 17 Kc╴ 沉 █▌ █56 聖光守護 █▌ ξ φ █▌ █ ▁Kc ████ ● ρ ◢█ ● ████ ● ξσ █▌ █errera 「 / ███◤avis /\ █▌ █olland﹂< ◥◤ ═════ ═══════ ═══ ◥◤ ═════ ═╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1519469786.A.783.html
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