[心得] “That’s My Motivation”

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Twenty-five thousand, eight hundred and fourteen fans attended a Royals/Twins game on a cool Minneapolis evening last September. A dozen more sat in the Royals dugout, frozen not by the temperature, but by the history unfolding in front of them. “I couldn’t move,” manager Ned Yost said. “My heart started pounding in, I think, the eighth inning.” “我無法動彈,”“我想,第八局,我的心兒開始砰砰直跳。” Yost說。 Alcides Escobar lunged forward towards the TV, seated behind a closed door adjacent to the Royals’ dugout. Unable to contain his emotions, he responded to each pitch with a subtle fist pump or by throwing his glove to the ground. Alcides Escobar向前沖向電視,坐在靠近Royals的休息室一扇門後面。由於無 法控制自己的情緒,他用一個微妙的拳頭或者將手套扔到地上來回應每一球。 On the mound stood Jorge López, who had just become the first pitcher in a half-century of Royals baseball to retire the first 24 batters of a game. Only three outs remained to complete one of baseball’s rarest feats, something that has been done in Major League Baseball just 23 times in the last 112 years, and not since 2012: a perfect game. 投手丘上是 Jorge López,第一個在皇家隊史成功解決前24個打者的投手,還差三個, 就能完成偉大的壯舉--MLB歷史上只有23次的完全比賽 “I was really nervous at that time,” López said. 我超緊張。 Kansas City held a 4–0 lead, supported by fantastic defensive plays from shortstop Adalberto Mondesi and outfielders Alex Gordon and Jorge Bonifacio. Each play was more spectacular than the one before it, and tension grew palpable throughout the ballpark as López reached the late innings. 隊友們頻頻用美技解決對手。 “This might be one of those nights,” Yost thought. Yost覺得有大事要發生了。 The Twins’ first batter in the ninth inning was Max Kepler, a lefty who Ló pez recalled facing in the 2015 Double-A Southern League Championship series. “He hit a homer off me in Game 5,” López said. “So I knew I had to be careful.” “Max Kepler在小聯盟的冠軍戰對我打過全壘打,我必須小心” Kepler worked a 3–1 count without swinging the bat, forcing López, in just his seventh career start, to make the perfect pitch to maintain his perfect game. He rocked and fired a two-seamer that sailed just off the plate for ball four. Perfect no longer. 一好三壞,一顆2縫線沒有進到好球帶,,完全比賽沒了。 The next batter, Robbie Grossman, drove López’s 110th pitch of the night up the middle, where it landed in front of the center fielder. Now the no-hitter was lost too. Yost emerged from the dugout, cuing a standing ovation from the Target Field crowd. 接下來Robbie Grossman打了一支安打,這是Lopez這場的第110球,連無安打也沒了。 Yost將他換下來,此時Target Field的球迷都替他鼓掌。 Hours after the win, López called his wife, Karla, and six-year-old son, Mikael. Whatever nerves he felt that night, they paled into comparison to what he and his family lived through the previous September, when Hurricanes Irma and Maria destroyed their native Puerto Rico within a two week span. 比賽後Lopez打電話給他老婆跟六歲的兒子,不管這場比賽感受如何,跟2017年的他們 全家人的遭遇比起真的不算什麼--當時當時颶風艾瑪和瑪麗亞在兩週內摧毀了他們的家 鄉波多黎各。 In the days following Hurricane Irma, López and his wife returned to the island to assist friends in family in the aftermath. Although Puerto Rico dodged a direct hit, much of the U.S. territory had sustained tropical storm force winds, and more than 70 percent of its residents lost power as a result. Heavy rains caused widespread flooding, producing life-threatening landslides. 颶風艾瑪離去之後的幾天裡,Lopez和他的妻子回到島上協助家人朋友。 But three days after they arrived, Hurricane Maria made landfall. López helped secure the windows at his in-law’s house, and they all hunkered down for what they hoped would be a brief storm. 三天後,另一個颶風Maria登陸了。 The power went out at 10:30 that night. A few hours later, heavy rain began to fall. 那天晚上10:30開始停電。幾個小時後,開始下大雨 “I can’t even explain how loud it was,” López said. “I didn’t sleep that night.” The next morning, he peered out the one window they left open, hoping to find that the storm had passed. Instead he saw a neighbor, a woman in her 70s, frantically carrying buckets of water out from her house. He and his father-in-law, fighting the wind and the rain, ran over to assist. A sky roof in the woman’s kitchen has collapsed, allowing the heavy rain that caused catastrophic flooding across the island to pour into her home. “I was crying,” López said. “We spent three hours carrying water out of her house with buckets or anything we could find.” 第二天早上,鄰居一個70幾歲的婦人家裡淹水,所以Lopez跟他岳父去幫忙。 When they returned, they found López’s mother-in-law tending to his son, who had a 103-degree fever. 回來後,他們發現他的兒子發高燒。 More than a year after he was born, Mikael was diagnosed with Familial Mediterranean Fever and Crohn’s disease, a particularly rare combination. The former causes recurrent episodes of fever and pain in the abdomen. The latter is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Mikael is fed through a tube and receives medication injections daily. 兒子Mikael在出生一歲多被診斷出罹患家族性地中海熱病和克羅恩症,前者引起腹部發熱 和疼痛的反復發作。後者是慢性炎症性腸病。Mikael通過管餵食並每天接受藥物注射。 Mikael battled pneumonia and influenza for several months, but doctors couldn ’t pinpoint the cause or relieve the symptoms. López and his wife later discovered that many of the hospitals in Puerto Rico were contaminated, which likely infected Mikael and triggered a response from his immune system, a result of the Crohn’s disease. Mikael與肺炎和流感作鬥爭了好幾個月,但醫生無法查明病因或緩解症狀。 López和他的妻子後來發現波多黎各的許多醫院都受到了污染,這可能感染了Mikael並引 發了他的免疫系統的反應。 “A lot of people die there just because they don’t do the job of cleaning the hospitals,” he said. “We kept changing hospitals because we didn’t have trust in any of them.” “很多人因為沒有做好清潔醫院的工作而死在那裡,”他說。“我們去過很多家醫院,因\ 為我們對對每一家都不信任。” (後面原文太長了,我直接貼中文翻譯XDDD) Mikael的藥物在因為颶風在波多黎各八天之後就用光了。他們給他Tylenol來對抗他的發燒 ,但他的病情惡化了。 瑪麗亞登陸三天後,Lopez他在加油站排隊等了一整天,然後歷經千辛萬苦才聯絡上經紀人 ,五天後,López,他的妻子和兒子登上了飛往邁阿密的三小時航班。著陸後,他們趕緊 將Mikael送往醫院接受適當的治療。 後來他隻身去打冬季聯盟,表現還不錯,但因為老婆小孩都還在家鄉,所以Lopez請媽媽、 姊妹們去照顧家人, 後來波多黎各在加勒比海聯賽拿到冠軍,López 說,“棒球對這個國家很重要“ 在2019球季結束後,他們可能會在辛辛那提度過幾個星期,López和他的妻子將與醫生會 面,討論更多的治療方案來照顧他們的兒子。 之後,他們可能會回到堪薩斯城過冬,或者邁阿密。但無論他們住在哪裡,Lopez都感謝他 皇家給的機會。 “因為我的工作,Mikael正在接受照顧,”他說。“我知道他經歷了這麼多,但他和我的 妻子需要我。這是我最大的動力。“ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1559844988.A.BD9.html
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