[新聞] 菜鳥簽約1.3億幫父母還債

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Royals prospect Brady Singer gives heartwarming Christmas gift to parents KANSAS CITY, MO (CBS Sports/ KCTV) -- Kansas City Royals prospect Brady Singer delivered an outstanding and emotional Christmas surprise to his parents on Tuesday morning. Singer, who was taken by the Royals with the 18th overall pick in the 2018 MLB Draft, presented his mom and dad with a letter on Christmas morning. That letter contained a message of gratitude for their years of guidance and support, and it concluded with news of a massive gesture of appreciation: Singer paid off their loans and absolved their debts. The heartwarming moment was recorded by Singer and uploaded to social media on Tuesday. Understandably, it was an extremely emotional moment for Singer's mom and dad, who had a hard time holding back tears as they read the letter. The 22-year-old pitcher played college baseball at the University of Florida and won the 2018 Dick Howser Trophy -- given annually to the national college baseball player of the year, as voted by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association -- and was named 2018 National Player of the Year. In his junior season with the Gators, the right-hander went 12-3 with a 2.55 ERA and 114 strikeouts in 113 innings. Singer officially signed a rookie contract with the Royals in July and received a $4.25 million signing bonus. https://ppt.cc/fOLFHx 記者蕭保祥/綜合報導 今天美國時間25日(台灣時間26日)是耶誕節,美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)2018年首輪菜鳥 Brady Singer決定當超級孝子,拿簽約金425萬美元(約合新台幣1億3204萬元)幫父母還 債務,做為今年的耶誕大禮。 美國媒體《TMZ》報導,現年22歲的Singer今年是選秀會首輪18順位獲得堪薩斯皇家挑選 ,他在耶誕節寫給父母一封信,也在影片PO上推特(Twitter),Singer說,「今天在我 心中是非常特別,為了放棄所有、全力支持我與兄弟的兩個人,我無法感謝太多,愛你們 媽、爸。」 媽媽讀信時一瞬間突然飆淚,兩老為了銀行貸款努力工作,兒子願意拿出大聯盟新人簽約 金幫父母還債,雖然還沒上大聯盟,這份孝心值得表揚。 Singer是土生土長佛羅里達小孩,高中畢業就獲得多倫多藍鳥指名,最後選擇在佛州大學 念完,今年選秀獲得皇家首輪指名,簽約金為425萬美元,可見球團高度重視。 TMZ更評價Singer「送了最貴的耶誕禮物,也是今年的孝子獎」。 https://ppt.cc/fbEaqx -- ════════ ███◣ ═══════ ════════╮ █▌ █ 40 Kc ◥█ 17 Kc╴ 沉 █▌ █56 聖光守護 █▌ ξ φ █▌ █ ▁Kc ████ ● ρ ◢█ ● ████ ● ξσ █▌ █errera 「 / ███◤avis /\ █▌ █olland﹂< ◥◤ ═════ ═══════ ═══ ◥◤ ═════ ═╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1545845308.A.174.html
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