[轉錄][新聞] 露天看臺:綠衫軍可簽歐尼爾的6大理由

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CJoMv5- ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] bleacher report:綠衫軍可簽歐尼爾的6大理由 時間: Wed Jul 28 02:30:12 2010 http://www.ltsports.com.tw/main/news.asp?no=79367&N_Class=3 NBA》bleacher report:綠衫軍可簽歐尼爾的6大理由 歐尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal)表態希望加入塞爾提克,為第五個總冠軍, 他願拿老將底薪,而美國《bleacher report》專欄作者Roger Pipe認為, 歐尼爾能夠為綠衫軍帶來6大幫助,應該儘快簽下他。 NBA Trade Rumors: Reasons Why Boston Has To Say Yes To Shaq By Roger Pipe (Contributor) on July 25, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/23atrgr 手感 Hands Any Celtic fan can easily recall the horror of watching Kendrick Perkins fumbling away a great entry pass from Rajon Rondo. For all his bulk and defensive skills, Perkins lacks the hand and hops to finish the great plays Rondo starts. He either drops the ball, pump fakes until he is whistled for traveling or has to dribble the ball before taking it up allowing duped defenders to recover. 塞爾提克球迷恐怕很容易就會回想起以下的場景:朗度(Rajon Rondo) 將球傳到內線,大個子帕金斯(Kendrick Perkins)要麼接球失誤, 要麼被判走步,要麼浪費球隊的進攻時間。帕金斯多次浪費朗度的妙傳。 With Shaq on the receiving end, Rondo’s game will elevate. (Ditto for Pierce, Robinson and Garnett). Great drives, pick and rolls and slick passes will be rewarded by a big man with incredibly soft hands. We have all seen what Rondo can do with KG via the alley-oop. Imagine the sight of Rajon coming off a Garnett pick, blowing by a defender and throwing the ball up to the rim for a guy who can actually go up and slam it down. 而如果有歐尼爾在禁區遊走,朗度就會輕鬆不少。一位手感出色的大個子球員 將讓塞爾提克後衛運球靈活,擋拆戰術運用合理的優點得到進一步發揮。 我們都見過賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)接到朗度妙傳完成空中接力的場景, 那麼想像一下這種情況吧:朗度在和賈奈特擋拆後,切入內線,將球拋向籃框, 歐尼爾完成大力灌籃。 籃板 Rebounding: The Celtics lack of rebounding was painfully on display during their game seven loss to the Los Angles Lakers. In two short years, the C’s have fallen from an elite rebounding team, to one of the worst in the league, especially on the offensive glass. The second unit was particularly bereft of glass cleaners. Shaq, pulled down 6.7 rebounds per game while playing just under 24 minutes. Compare that to Rasheed Wallace’s dismal 4.1 boards per game in similar paying time and it is easy to see how Shaq would be an upgrade on the glass. 在塞爾提克和湖人的總決賽第7場,綠衫軍在籃板球方面的劣勢顯露無疑。 短短兩年時間,綠衫軍就從籃板保護出色的球隊變為最差的球隊之一, 在進攻籃板方面尤其如此。他們的替補陣容尤其缺少籃板球好手。 歐尼爾上賽季在平均出場時間不到24分鐘都能搶下6.7個籃板, 而拉希德-華勒斯(Rasheed Wallace)在出場時間類似的情況下 只抓到4.1個籃板。這足以說明歐尼爾的加盟,能夠為塞爾提克 在籃板保護方面帶來什麼樣的幫助。 His presence will allow other Celtics like Peirce, Allen, Rajon Rondo and Glen Davis to get out and run. On the offensive side of the ball, his ability to clean up misses will provide the Celtics easy second half points. 歐尼爾在場上,可以讓塞爾提克其他球員放心地來到週邊。 而在進攻端,歐尼爾的存在將讓綠衫軍的第二波進攻得分上升不少。 得分強度 Scoring Punch: Even in limited minutes, Shaq managed to put down a dozen points a game while hitting nearly 57% of his shots. 歐尼爾在有限的出場時間裡依然能夠得到一些分數,他的投籃命中率接近57%。 His limitations on the offensive end (Woeful free show shooting, slow feet) are negated by his ability to get easy baskets on put backs and the way he will fit into the Boston system. He would join a second unit in Boston that would greatly benefit from his low post presence and he will not slow down a team hell bent on running as he did in Cleveland. Playing with Boston’s first or second units, Shaq’s strong low post game and legendary passing ability will be an important weapon for the C’s. 歐尼爾進攻上有所限制(罰球不準、腳步慢),但他很容易搶下進攻籃板, 讓球隊有機會進行第二波攻擊,他替補上陣可以給塞爾提克帶來很大的幫助。 無論是先發還是替補,他在低位超強的個人能力、以及愈發純熟的傳球能力, 都會讓他成為綠衫軍的重要攻擊武器。 防守 Defense: Though D has not been Shaq’s strength in recent years, it would be interesting to see what Garnett could do to turn the Big Diesel into the Big D. Teammates have long credited KG with ramping up defensive intensity and his presence has turned the Celtics into a perennial defensive force. 最近幾個賽季,防守已經不再是歐尼爾的優勢,不過看看賈奈特能否激發出 鯊魚的防守能力,會是件很有意思的事情。當年賈奈特的加盟,極大程度上 提高了塞爾提克的防守實力,隊友們也都很信任他。 If KG could light a fire under Shaq, he could be the huge body the Celts need to back up Perkins and a newly revamped Shaq would make quite a defensive tandem partner with both Garnett on the first unit and O’Neal on the second. 如果賈奈特能夠激勵歐尼爾做好防守,那麼他將成為塞爾提克內線防守的 重要替補,綠衫軍整體防守實力就會得到加強。 雙歐組合 The O’Neals: With Jermaine already in house, adding Shaq would give the Celtics yet another cleverly named player combo. Joining the Big Three (Soon to be Rajon Rondo and the Big Three) and Shrek and Donkey, a side by side O’Neal towers could sell a few thousand T shirts. O’Neal Squared? 目前綠衫軍已經簽下了小歐尼爾(Jermaine O’Neal),歐尼爾的加盟 將讓這支球隊擁有兩個歐尼爾。「雙歐尼爾」再加上朗度以及三巨頭, 綠衫軍在新賽季也有不少賣點,歐尼爾的加盟或許可以幫助塞爾提克 賣出不少T恤。 態度 Attitude: Perhaps the biggest intangible Shaq could bring to the Celtics is his attitude. He was brought to Cleveland to help LeBron win a title and that fell apart. With King James departing in a huff, much of the onus has been placed at Shaq’s feet. 這方面的問題,或許是塞爾提克猶豫是否簽下歐尼爾的最大顧慮。 去年夏天騎士引進他,目的是為了輔佐詹姆斯(LeBron James)拿到總冠軍。 而在詹姆斯離隊的情況下,歐尼爾也承擔了很多責備。 Every veteran ring seeker in the league has been headed to Miami, but clearly there is no invite for Shaq to the King’s new party. It would seem that Shaq is not welcome in South Beach. 目前聯盟中每位追求總冠軍的老將似乎都希望加盟熱火,但詹姆斯顯然 不會要求歐尼爾參加他的新舞會了,看上去熱火方面並不打算邀請「鯊魚」 再次南遊。 His feud with Kobe is legendary and with his ring collection now lagging behind Bryant’s, Shaq just might have something to prove to ex-teammates like Kobe, Wade and LeBron. 而在洛杉磯湖人拿到2010年NBA總冠軍後,布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)的戒指數量 已經超過了歐尼爾。他或許心中憋了一口氣,希望能在新賽季給前隊友布萊恩、 韋德(Dwyane Wade)和詹姆斯一些顏色看看。 A hungry, angry Shaq with his legacy on the line just might be what the Celtics need to make a serious run at an 18th title. 一個饑渴、憤怒的歐尼爾加入,將有助於塞爾提克奪取隊史第18座總冠軍。 (長風/編譯) -- 每週好片推薦 2.失控的國家隊 上映時間:2010-06-18 本片根據多位法國當紅球星的暢銷自傳改編 劇情描述一支國家隊好不容易歷經千辛萬苦,終於打進世界盃的決賽圈 卻發現這只是另外一場混亂與災難的開始... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/28 02:34,
07/28 02:34

07/28 02:34,
07/28 02:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/28 11:47, , 1F
老大不論去哪隊~~我就支持哪隊~! GO SHAQ!!
07/28 11:47, 1F

07/28 11:48, , 2F
07/28 11:48, 2F

07/28 11:49, , 3F
第18座總冠軍 這段~~說得最好! 老大就是需要一些動力
07/28 11:49, 3F

07/28 12:34, , 4F
07/28 12:34, 4F

07/29 16:08, , 5F
07/29 16:08, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1CJoRItn (SHAQ)
文章代碼(AID): #1CJoRItn (SHAQ)