[轉錄][外絮] 大歐想要一個跟波士頓有關的綽號

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CN6sqjR ] 作者: swordmr20 (花吃魷魚麵) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 大歐想要一個跟波士頓有關的綽號 時間: Sat Aug 7 04:16:49 2010 http://0rz.tw/gqQEo The Celtics have trumpeted Shaquille O'Neal as "The Big Shamrock" after signing him to a two-year contract, but the center is still taking suggestions for a new nickname. O'Neal wrote the following on his Twitter page: "hello green town. ok what u got 4 nicknames? make um good." He has been known as "Shaq-Daddy," "The Big Shaqtus" in Phoenix and "The Big Witness" in Cleveland. In a variety of polls, "The Big Shamrock" and "The Big Leprechaun" are leading the way along with "The Green Monster." Also receiving votes: "The Jolly Green Giant," "The Shamroq," "Red Auershaq," "Shaqachusetts" and "Tip-in O'Neal." 大歐簽完合約後 現在叫自己大酢醬草 另外統計中心仍然提供很多意見給大歐 大歐在推特上說"嗨 綠綠鎮 幫我從四個選項裡找個好綽號吧" 以前他曾經有過的知名綽號 像是"俠客老爹" 鳳凰城的大仙人掌 Cleveland則是"大證人"(不知道是不是這樣翻= =) 現在票選中 "大酢醬草"跟"大綠色小妖精"(就是波士頓知名的金幣小妖精)領先著"綠色怪物" 還有幾個選項像是 "綠巨人" "The Shamroq" "紅頭俠客" "Shaqachusetts" "Tip-in大歐" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DAING 來自: (08/07 10:43)

08/07 11:11, , 1F
雖然我很愛大歐 可是我好想建議他取史瑞克喔^^"
08/07 11:11, 1F

08/07 11:50, , 2F
08/07 11:50, 2F
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