[轉錄][外絮] Team Source: Shaq Could Be Back By 4/1

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※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板 #1DYwsl6D ] 作者: ymsya (小太陽) 看板: Celtics 標題: [外絮] Team Source: Shaq Could Be Back By 4/1 時間: Fri Mar 25 04:46:38 2011 ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DYwrMEb ] 作者: ymsya (小太陽) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Team Source: Shaq Could Be Back By April 1 時間: Fri Mar 25 04:45:07 2011 Team Source: Shaq Could Be Back By April 1 球隊消息:SHAQ可望在4月1日歸隊 Mar 24, 2011 2:07 PM EDT A Celtics team source on Wednesday said that Shaquille O'Neal is mending and on schedule for a return by April 1. That would give him two weeks to get reacquainted with the teammates he left -- and acquainted with the five new teammates with whom he has yet to play. 昨天的塞爾提克隊消息表示Shaquille O'Neal狀況不錯而且預估在4月1日 歸隊。那將會給他2週的時間重新認識在他離開球隊後新來的隊友。目前 有5位新隊友尚未與他配合過。 The Celtics have been understandably cautious in bringing back O'Neal, who, because of his age (39) and his girth (substantial), is not the best candidate for the type of injury he has. Achilles injuries can be notoriously slow to heal for even the most well-conditioned athletes. 塞爾提克隊從容且謹慎的等待39歲又胖的O'Neal回來,因為傷病他可能還 不是最佳狀態,更何況還是因為最難治的阿基里斯腱受傷。 Under the scenario outlined by the team source, O'Neal would be back probably by the April 3 game against Detroit. He would thus be back in time for the games against Chicago (April 7) and Miami (April 10), both of which are on the road. 根據球隊消息分析,O'Neal可望在4月3日迎戰底特律活塞隊。接下來, 還會參與4月7日芝加哥公牛隊與4月10日邁阿密熱火隊的兩場客場比賽。 That would be huge for Rivers, who, being a coach, won't allow himself to think such happy thoughts. But the return of Shaq would solidify both the starting five and the bench. 這可大大影響著目前擔任教練的Rivers呢,也許他會儘可能不要表現的太開心, 但事實上SHAQ回歸後的塞爾提克隊才是完整陣容。 原文:http://tinyurl.com/4mq5g5e -- 這個O'Neal我比較關心…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 04:45,
這個日期比較適合 Jermaine...
03/25 04:45
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03/25 05:00,
03/25 05:00

03/25 05:00,
03/25 05:00

03/25 05:09,
03/25 05:09
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03/25 05:15, , 1F
03/25 05:15, 1F
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