[官網] ASK MARIA #8

看板Sharapova作者 (JCJCJCJC)時間18年前 (2007/05/15 08:55), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
問:比賽中,妳是如何保持專注的呢? 答:Concentration during a match is not something I think about,   it is almost like breathing for me. It just happens naturally,   even when I lose concentration for a few games. I just get   it back. I think if you ask all great athletes they will tell   you the same thing. I am really lucky that I have this ability   to focus. 其實不用刻意的想著要專心,偶而恍神也通常能回神。頂尖運動員應該 都有類似答案的。 -------- 問:我很好奇妳花了多久時間養成發球動作?至少是可靠的發球?   我練發球好久了哦,但還在試著把球發進場內,妳練習發球的   過程是怎樣? 答:Thanks for being a fan, I have great fans and that is why I   wanted to make this website. My serve is something that I   am always trying to improve, for me it is the most important   par of my game and my second serve is just as important as   my first serve. When I was 15, my dad and I totally changed   my serve, so the serve you see today is only 4 years old.   Just keep working on yor serve and try to hit 30 minutes   of serves a day. Good luck. 發球一直是試著改良的部份,因為那是自己球技中最重要的部份,二 發也是。十五歲時完全改變的發球動作,所以現在看到的動作,大約 才四年。好好努力,每天練習半小時,加油吧! -------- 問:妳隔幾天會休息一次阿? 答:Days off, my favorite topic!!! During any training week I   take one and half days off a week. Most of the time I play   saturday morning and take the entire afternoon off and then   all of Sunday. 最愛這種話題了!基本上是週六下午跟週日休息。 http://www.mariasharapova.com Club Sharapova→Ask Maria -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcshie 來自: (05/15 08:59) ※ 編輯: jcshie 來自: (05/15 18:34)

05/15 22:51, , 1F
發球真的要好好練啊 (笑)
05/15 22:51, 1F
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