[官網] ASK MARIA #12

看板Sharapova作者 (JCJCJCJC)時間18年前 (2007/05/16 09:20), 編輯推噓0(000)
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問:妳喜歡比較輕鬆還是比較難打的對手? 答:I love playing the best players, I love competing against great champions like Serena or Justine. Those great matches on the "the big stage" win or lose are why I get up and train and work hard everyday. 我喜歡跟最優秀的球員打球,熱愛跟像Serena、Justine這樣優秀的 冠軍競爭。這種受矚目的重要比賽,輸或贏都是激勵我每天努力向上 的動力。 ------ 問:Hi Maria,山普拉斯跟費德勒還有妳對我來說都頗有激勵作用, 我想知道誰是妳小時候的啟發者?然後妳第一次參賽時有什麼感 覺?贏了嗎?跟誰打呢?妳還記得這些嗎? 答:I get this question all the time, the only people I looked up to when I was young was my parents. I never had posters of other athletes on my wall. I just did not grow up like this. I can't remember all the details of my first tournament because I was really young, but I do remember loving the competition. 我一直被問到這個,但我小時候唯一尊崇的對象就是父母親。我沒在 牆上貼過其他運動員的海報。純粹是不像這樣的長大。因為第一次參 賽的年紀很小,我不記得所有細節了,但我確實記得很愛那種競爭感。 (competition←關鍵字。XD) -------- 問:Hi Maria!我想知道妳離開俄羅斯是否不只因為網球,還有那時核 能爆炸的影響?(…) 答:The truth is my parents fled the city they were living in when my mother became pregnant with me because of a nuclear disaster. They moved to western Siberia where I was born, then we moved to Sochi, Russia. 父母親要在媽媽懷了我的時候離開之前居住地,是因為核能災變。他 們搬去西伯利亞,我在那邊出生,後來我們全家才搬去俄羅斯的Sochi。 (也就是離開俄羅斯跟核災完全是兩碼子事= =。) http://www.mariasharapova.com Club Sharapova→Ask Maria -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcshie 來自: (05/16 09:23)
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