Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間13年前 (2012/05/05 11:35)推噓4(4推 0噓 8→)留言12則, 4人參與討論串13/212 (看更多)
Reuben Frank
Bulls outrebounded Sixers 38-27 in first 3Q, Sixers had 16-11 edge in 4Q.
less than 1 minute ago from web
Tom Moore
#Bulls Thibodeau: 'We've got more than enough to win (despite injuries).'
14 minutes ago from TweetDeck
> Thibbs sucks, 他是中華職棒空運去的教練嗎?
Martin Frank
Noah on crutches on way for x rays. #Sixers
15 minutes ago from Twitter for iPhone
Martin Frank
Collins said Turner's work under hoop w/20 seconds left, when got off reb and
got fouled was #Sixers play of the year.
16 minutes ago from Twitter for iPhone
Reuben Frank
76ers had played 26 consecutive playoff games without winning two in a row
[Game 3 & 4 vs. Pistons in 2005]
44 minutes ago from web
Michael Wilbon
CJ Watson 0-for-4 in 19 mins...Deng 2-of-7 w 5 pts...Rip 4-of-15...Bulls 0-4
on FTs in 4th quarter...Philly in total control of this series.
43 minutes ago retweeted by SportsCenter from web
Tom Moore
#Sixers end game on 26-7 run after trailing by 14 in fourth quarter.
39 minutes ago from TweetDeck
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