Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間13年前 (2012/05/13 07:05)推噓2(2推 0噓 2→)留言4則, 4人參與討論串23/212 (看更多)
Tom Moore
#Celtics Rivers: 'I told our guys Philly is Atlanta on steroids.' #Sixers
1 minute ago from TweetDeck
Tom Moore
Asked which #Sixers player he doesn't want to have ball at end
of game, #Celtics Rivers said, 'Oh, Lou Williams. He's a
1 minute ago from TweetDeck
Tom Moore
#Sixers Collins: 'When you get behind, you have to hit singles
& doubles & give yourself a chance. You can't go for home
3 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Martin Frank
Ray Allen says he 's playing tonight. #Sixers
1 minute ago from Twitter for iPhone
Tom Moore
#Sixers Collins: 'Boston has so much experience. They're
formidable and playing their best basketball.'
12 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Tom Moore
#Celtics Rivers: 'The games (1-4) are every other day. I
couldn't think of a worse situation for us.'
less than 1 minute ago from TweetDeck
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