Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間13年前 (2012/05/15 10:40)推噓3(3推 0噓 0→)留言3則, 3人參與討論串26/212 (看更多)
Adam Aron
Just been informed this was the 1st @Sixers playoff win in
Boston since 1982 !!!!! We don't need another this year if we
win all at home.
6 minutes ago retweeted by Sixers from Twitter for iPad
Zach Lowe
One way to tell Pierce isn't close to 100%--his transition
defense is spotty, forcing others to take Iggy now and then.
24 minutes ago from web
Zach Lowe
Stat heads likely loved Doc's call to foul with ~ 3-second
clock differential--they'd have likely ordered it immediately
on Philly rebound.
26 minutes ago from web
NBA Guru
Iguodala: "Lavoy Allen is one of those guys that fell under
the radar in the draft. Like Paul Millsap or Carlos Boozer."
31 minutes ago from Twitter for BlackBerry®
Philadelphia 76ers
Collins: We need to keep the pace of the game up. That's what
we tried to do tonight. #GameTwo
53 minutes ago from web
Philadelphia 76ers
Collins: We're both competitive defensive teams and neither of
us will give an inch.
55 minutes ago from web
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