Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間13年前 (2012/05/16 12:25)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串28/212 (看更多)
I know he's hurt. but Paul's definitely not going to ever
admit that to anyone. You can see it. His shot is a little
flat. His knee is bothering him, and he's had some foot
problems, and his lift isn't 100 percent. But he's still the
heart and soul of that team.
-- Sixers reserve Tony Battie
(Former Celtics Starting Center)
ESPN Boston: The Truth hurts (and 76ers know it)
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