Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間13年前 (2012/05/22 05:21)推噓1(1推 0噓 0→)留言1則, 1人參與討論串32/212 (看更多)
Tom Moore
#Celtics Rivers is talking about not using the small lineup
(with Pierce as power forward) as much in Game 5. #Sixers
exploited it Friday.
25 minutes ago from TweetDeck
NBA Guru
Celts showed a little ware in Game 4. How will 2 days off at
home do them? (@ TD Garden for PHI vs BOS w/ @pbenedict)
32 minutes ago from foursquare
Lou Williams
En Route.. Turn up time.. #showyaluv
37 minutes ago from Echofon
Martin Frank
Number to watch for #Sixers: Celtics are 1-3 in playoffs when
Garnett takes 12 shots or less; 5-1 when he takes more than 12.
40 minutes ago from web
Tom Moore
#Sixers Collins says he could use Lavoy Allen even earlier off
bench tonight against #Celtics Kevin Garnett.
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
NBA Guru
Left to choose between a red tie and a green tie for a
76ers/Celtics Playoff game. Going the Barkley route. #NoTie
about 1 hour ago from HootSuite
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