Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/07/14 01:34)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串46/212 (看更多)
More Bobby
Bob Cooney
Coach Collins said he doesn't want to put pressure of
replacing Elton Brand as new starting forward in Lavoy Allen
about 1 hour ago retweeted by me from Twitter for iPhone
Bob Cooney
Other spot #Sixers will address before season is a backup
point guard. Team is about $2.9 million under cap right now.
about 1 hour ago retweeted by me from Twitter for iPhone
Bob Cooney
Collins also said starting Thad Young at the four is an option
but needs to start him with rebounders.
less than 1 minute ago from Twitter for iPhone
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※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (07/14 01:36)
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