Re: [閒聊] Twitter

看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/07/14 07:14), 編輯推噓1(103)
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Malik Rose在twitter上大爆發 Malik Rose Aiight tweeps... Need y'all to talk to me. Having a hard time understanding these signings. about 2 hours ago from web Did the owners not lock the players out last season because of player contracts getting too high?? about 2 hours ago from web Not necessarily talking about Kwame Brown, although I do have my questions. Im talking about the league as a whole. about 2 hours ago from web Okay so the owners shut down the league due to player contracts being way too high. And what do they do THE MINUTE the spending period opens about 2 hours ago from web 3 of the most outspoken owners (against spending) shell out CRAZY PAPER to ROLE PLAYERS!! about 2 hours ago from web I like Nick Batum BUT 10 MILLION PER??? about 2 hours ago from web Jeremy Lin had a great month of hoops as well. 5 years 29 MILLION???!!! about 2 hours ago from web And any of you that watched the Sixer/Chicago series knows I like Omer Asik, But CMON SON!!!! 8 MILLION A YEAR???!! about 2 hours ago from web DONT GET ME WRONG. I'm a former player so I'm THRILLED that players are able to make this kind of money. about 2 hours ago from web But I am DREADING the day a few years from now when the owners start crying foul over player contracts!!! about 2 hours ago from web These are the deals that will be on their poster boards as to why they (allegedly) can't make money!!! #frustrating about 2 hours ago from web Players can't sign themselves!!!! The sign deals that are NEGOTIATED!!! about 2 hours ago from web PLACE THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS AND STOP RECYCLING THE SAME OLD BAD GENERAL MANAGERS AND TEAM PERSONNEL PEOPLE!!!!!!! about 2 hours ago from web Asik averages 3 points and 5 rebounds AND TURNED THAT INTO 25 MILLION DOLLARS!! Will anyone out there look at who offered that deal? about 1 hour ago from web Or will they only look at who signed it??? about 1 hour ago from web While I do think some are overpaid. Im Not upset at the players. Hell I was even overpaid!! I just KNOW in a few years The owners are going about 1 hour ago from web to claim poverty and shut down the league AGAIN just to change the CBA AGAIN. And for what?? To CARELESSLY throw money around AGAIN? TOMA!!! about 1 hour ago from web Not making the owners out to be BAD GUYS, just want them to stop blaming others for their mistakes. about 1 hour ago from web 7 yrs ago it was the league was suffering from the influx of young players in the league. So an age limit was instituted. about 1 hour ago from web That same year (2005 I believe) 15-16 of the 24 NBA All Stars came into the league with one or less years of college. about 1 hour ago from web Last year it was player contracts out of control. First signing period after the lockout... CRAZY OFFERS!!! SMDH. about 1 hour ago from web And in 5-10 years the public will blame the players for another lockout. about 1 hour ago from web Aiight tweeps, I think I've said enough. Going to sign off and see who signs what next. Thanks for listening/chiming in. about 1 hour ago from web LOL -- PS. 他在murmur的時候 有個follower問他一個問題: Kyle Welshans @MalikRose considering the fact that you could probably go out there and avg more than 5 and 3 about 1 hour ago from web > 這問題顯然衝著Asik來的 Malik Rose @kgwelshans_08 ABSOLUTELY!!! about 1 hour ago in reply to kgwelshans_08 retweeted by me from web > LOLOLOLOL -- Tell me what you think about your friends at the top. Who'd you think besides yourself's the pick of the crop? Buddha, was he where it's at? Is he where you are? Could Mohammed move a mountain, or was that just PR? -- Superstar, Jesus Christ Superstar. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/14 09:32, , 1F
看了今夏這些簽約 真的覺得之前封館都封假的
07/14 09:32, 1F

07/14 09:33, , 2F
07/14 09:33, 2F

07/14 09:50, , 3F
07/14 09:50, 3F

07/14 09:50, , 4F
07/14 09:50, 4F
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