Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/07/30 08:44)推噓2(2推 0噓 6→)留言8則, 5人參與討論串55/212 (看更多)
evan turner
“@spencerhawes00: Heading down to the @JCrossover pro am all
star game.”--I know you must be watchin cause u ain't good
enough to play
about 3 hours ago from Twitter for iPhone
Spencer Hawes
@thekidet #blocked
about 3 hours ago in reply to thekidet from Twitter for
evan turner
@spencerhawes00 if you block me then don't expect to be
invited to taco Thursday's at my house
about 2 hours ago in reply to spencerhawes00 from Twitter for
Andre Iguodala
@thekidet @spencerhawes00 don't worry Spence he only eats beef
in his tacos (pause) #noculture
about 2 hours ago in reply to thekidet from Twitter for Android
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