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看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/09/25 08:17), 編輯推噓0(000)
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GM人生篇: 剛剛Tony DiLeo上任後首次接受媒體專訪 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: "I've now had every job in the organization, so there's no place else to go." DiLeo: 拎北所有職務都做過了 v( ̄︶ ̄)y @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: team looking for another wing player. Plan to invite one or two to camp. 將會找一個底薪側翼搖擺人,應該會發出大約一到兩份的訓練營邀請 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: "This will be a transition year for us. We're looking to answer some questions." 這對七六人而言是變動很大的一年,不過我們將會正面迎擊質疑與疑惑。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: "I'm not the type of person to promote myself. I just do my job." 我對純粹追求升遷沒有什麼興趣,就是做好自己的工作 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: Bynum came back from getting knee injections in Germany last week and "he says he feels very good." 上個禮拜從德國回來,Bynum的膝蓋狀況非常好。 @tmoorepburbs: DiLeo: #Sixers to use Moneyball-like analytics much more this season. 我們將會學習Moneyball,在未來的一年使用更多的數據分析來幫助球隊。 @tmoorepburbs: DiLeo: "Josh Harris has final say in basketball decisions." #Sixers 在做任何決定之前,Josh Harris 都會參與討論並且拍板。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo on international scouting: "We have the world covered. We will add some people to it." 談國際球探系統:我們已經關注整個世界,並且會增加更多的人手與資源在此。 @pBurbs_sports: #Sixers DiLeo: "I was always interested (in being GM)." 談GM職位:我一直都很希望能當GM。 @tmoorepburbs: DiLeo: "It will be a change. I’ll go about it the same way. I like to gather information, analyze it, decipher it & then come to a decision. 這是個具大的改變,而我會以一以貫之的精神面對這個工作 我喜歡接收資訊並且進行分析與判讀,最後做出我的決策。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Tony DiLeo on being GM: "Now instead of making recommendations, it’ll be more of a decision-making role." 我將從一個協助與建議的角色,轉換到具有決定權的角色。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: Haven't begun negotiating Bynum contract extension. Can agree to 3-year deal 6 months after trade (Feb. 10) or 5 yrs in July. Bynum的合約尚未開始談。交易成立的六個月後(2/10)才能談延長合約, 為期最多三年;或者七月自由市場開市才能談FA續約(五年大鳥) @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: 'I came to an agreement with Josh (Harris)' not 2 talk 2 other teams after interviewing w/Portland. 3 of 4 other teams asked. 為了大老闆主動開始談升職談判,我在跟拓荒者之間的對話結束後, 推辭了大約三到四個球隊的邀請。 @tmoorepburbs: DiLeo: "I think I can officially say I have now (held) every position & every title in the 76ers’ organization. There’s nowhere to go." 我想我可以很確定的跟你講我在這個組織裡面作過所有的工作、 曾擁有過所有的頭銜。我心願已了。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo on Bynum: "He’s been very, very happy. His agent said he hasn’t seen him this happy in a long time." Bynum的經紀人David Lee表示:我的客戶現在非常非常開心。 這麼久以來我沒看過他像是現在這麼開心。 @tmoorepburbs: Also DiLeo: "So far, we haven’t (talked extension). His agent said he wants to come to the surroundings & see the team, see the atmosphere." David Lee: 我們將會先看看這邊的氣氛以及七六人對他的支援, 續約的問題還不急。 @tmoorepburbs: #Sixers DiLeo: "I was instrumental in a lot of things that we did (in summer). Everyone was involved & on same page. I had a lot of input." 在夏天這麼多事情裡面我的確都參上一腳。 所有的行政人員都參與了全部的過程,包括我在內, 我個人投入了非常多的心血。 -- Definitely one of the all-time under-rated sixers. Glad to see him finally getting some league wide recognition the last few years (All-star, All-NBA defense, Team USA). As much as he's been bashed on these boards over the years I'm sure he'll be missed.
76ers' ACE of Spades in the past Decade, Andre Iguodala #9 forever. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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