Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/10/16 14:39)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串109/212 (看更多)
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Evan Turner: 'I'm just anxious. I've
been waiting for this opportunity for a minute.'
@tmoorepburbs: Collins: 'Maalik (Wayns) has really been
terrific. He has really been a surprise.'
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'Lavoy was more active. He's
starting to get himself in shape. We desperately need him.'
Lavoy 加油阿,看來體態不是問題了
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'I think you see we have some
depth, which is going to be exciting. Some guys on our bench
can play.'
先發仍有懸念! φ(._. )>
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'I always kid Andrew (Bynum)
that I’m a bitch on the elliptical, but two times up and down
the floor & I’m not very good.'
(老實說我不太懂,召喚hanway XD)
@tmoorepburbs: #Celtics Rivers on #Sixers transition with
#Bynum: 'It’s easier with a big guy. He’s gonna be big when
he plays. That’s a guarantee.'
會怕就好 ( ′▽`)-o█ █o-( ̄▽ ̄")
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'The one thing I’m feeling
right now is with eight new guys, I can’t even imagine if
this was a lockout year.'
的確orz 如果是去年....
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'We've just got to get Evan
unlocked. He's one of our best players.'
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins: 'Right now, we've got to find
out who we are without Andrew.'
φ(._. )>
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