Re: [閒聊] Twitter
看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/10/18 06:49)推噓0(0推 0噓 2→)留言2則, 2人參與討論串116/212 (看更多)
J-Rich 跑者膝 (這東西難道會傳承?orz..)
@tmoorepburbs: Collins: Jason Richardson also feeling a little
knee tendinitis. #Sixers
@tmoorepburbs: #Sixers Collins on J-Rich: 'We think he’ll be
ready to go. I know he wants to play the last two (preseason
games) back to back.'
@tmoorepburbs: Seems like #Sixers next cutdown will be to 14,
leaving Damien Wilkins as last free agent.
Damien Wilkins 很有可能是最後一個留下來的 Camp invitee
這意味 Dan Gud 跟 Searcy 都要閃人了
Collins 賽前訪談
@tmoorepburbs: Collins: 'We have to be two different teams -
one with Andrew #Bynum and one without.' #Sixers
Doug: 其實我們有兩隊,一隊有Bynum,一隊沒有
@tmoorepburbs: Collins hopes bench will be a strength again,
with Wayns, Mick Young, Wright and 4-5 reserves.
@tmoorepburbs: Collins wants to figure out how to get Nick
Young more shots when Young enters game.
另外老頭正在想辦法幫 Nick Young 找到更多的出手機會
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