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- Wayns left the game with a head contusion and did not return.
“I have a headache,” Wayns said. “Doc (team physician Dr. Jack McPhilemy)
looked at me, but I guess they will look at me again when we get back.”
"我頭會痛。" Wayns說。
"醫生(球隊隊醫Jack McPhilemy)有幫我看過,但我猜回去之後還會再檢查一次。"
-“I have been through a lot of stuff and for young guys when stuff goes wrong
they get rattled a little bit, so I try to be that veteran presence,”
Richardson said.
“I try to tell them to calm down, get into our offense and let’s get some
easy buckets. "
“There are going to be times during the regular season that we are going to
have big leads and teams are going to fight their way back.”
-“We got out of character just a few times today,”
Thaddeus Young said after scoring 22 points on 10-of-12 shooting.
“The veteran guys said let’s slow things down, get things under control and
get some easy shots. "
“We had lost all our ball handlers, we started playing through the big guys
and tried to have them make plays for the other guy.
I found Richardson on a back-door cut. Spencer Hawes had an assist and
also got to the rim. We just tried to play off each other and play with
poise throughout the game.”
Thaddeus Young在他以12投10中的高命中率攻下22分後表示。
我看到 Richardson 開了個後門,Spencer Hawes把球塞給他放進,
I Hope Philly treats Bynum well,
since he did not receive appreciation from many Lakers fans....
Good luck big Drew, now go to start your own legacy.
[T.P]- Andrew Bynum- Goodbye LA
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