Re: [閒聊] Twitter
- "I really think pressuring them and pushing their offense to the three point
line really helped us.” ~ Jrue Holiday
~ Jrue Holiday
- "I just took what the defense gave me, and stopped thinking.
I just shot my shot."
~ Evan Turner
- Jason Richardson missed his second consecutive start with a left ankle
sprain, though he look good while going through an extensive pregame warmup.
Kwame Brown also sat out with a left calf strain.
Jason Richardson 因為扭傷左膝錯過了本季第二場的比賽,
但是他在賽前熱身的時候看起來很不錯,Kwame Brown也因為左小腿拉傷持續缺陣。
- Lavoy Allen made his third start of the season, and it was his best
performance so far. He had 12 points and four rebounds.
Lavoy Allen 在本季第三場先發出賽,這是他至今最亮眼的表現,
- Doug Collins following tonight's 77-62 road win
I Hope Philly treats Bynum well,
since he did not receive appreciation from many Lakers fans....
Good luck big Drew, now go to start your own legacy.
[T.P]- Andrew Bynum- Goodbye LA
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